Monday, February 25, 2013


Sherrie and Darren with their three Eagle Scouts......Three out of three....a very good record.  Drove out to Vernal yesterday for Kennedy's Eagle award.  It was a full house of relatives.  The Cooks, Karrie was one of the main speakers Ken chose, Both grandpa's and grandpa Bud's girl friend.  Both grandmas and Uncle Todd, plus many friends, neighbors and church members.  Sherrie had prepared a Mexican dinner for us, she is a very dedicated mom.  Karrie's talk was about how special Eagles are, how strong, versatable and quiet rare.  How only 1 in 99 boys work hard enough and stick with it to get their Eagles, proving what great men can do.  Ken was enjoying every minute of his celebrity!Tomorrow is their oldest son's birthday.  Alex will be 20 years old , he is in Brazil and a year from next month (March} he will be home. Brayden will be off on his mission about three months after Alex gets home.  I am proud of those three grandsons......and their parents.

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