Sunday, February 17, 2013


Cousins......I have a house full this weekend.  Tending the two Cook kids and and their two dogs and the two Christenson kids and their two dogs. Yesterday Scottie said to me.  "families are really good".  So good to hear a child say that and realize young how important a good family is to each of us.  The kids have so much fun together, everyone talking at once with their own ideas how something is or should be done. Annie has been busy with her social life, but hope to add her to our fun today.  THEN..there are the dogs. Marley and Izzy are very BIG dogs and Marley is an absolute baby that can push his way into everything.  Then their are Lillie and Macy.....Macy hates me and most people because she was absused so bad when she was little and doesn't trust people.  I also tended them last week.  Bray let Lillie wander one night and she peed in the front room and pooped behind the chair in my bedroom.  And one time I feel it is OK to say OH SHIT......grandkids or when you step in it barefooted. I locked them in the bathroom last night. And if that was not enough dogs...five...I had GIGI my dog, a neighbor dropped their dog off for the evening.  Jack is a year old chocolate lab and all over the place.  The other dogs were not too crazy about him....nor I. I know, my family has always been one of those "love me love my dog" kind of people, guess it is my fault.  Wonder what is ahead today?

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