Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT'S COLD!!!!!

Yes, that is my boy......A poem by Abigail E. McIntyre......
It's cold.....
The End
Brayden you need wings to fly..........and our weather all week is suppose to stay in the 20's and 30's.  Come on, spring is suppose to be just around the corner.  People my age are noticing many of the words we grew up with are disappearing!  Take the car for instance;  Do you know what a fender skirt, white walls, hub caps, curb feelers, or running boards are?  Do you ever hear "store bought"?  My favorite memory is .....I got my first "store bought" dress when I graduated from the 8th grade.  A pink gaberdine.....never a favorite....My mother always made my dresses and I loved all of them. Once wall to wall carpet meant you were rich, now they are tearing up the wall to wall carpet to put the wall to wall hard wood floors back in!  The word pregnant was never used when I grew up, it was in the family way, expecting or a visit from the stork?  Brassiere.....no, no now bra.  Went to picture shows, now movies. Ate supper, now dinner, and so many many more. Oh for the good ole' days. The dermatalogist yesterday told Sherrie she had "fleas"... sand fleas, picked them up on the beach in the Bahamas....really a miserable rash!

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