Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Soon....like one more day soon.... this will just be a fun memory to this cute guy.  Tonight Richie is being set-aside tonight and tomorrow he enters the MTC.  Last night it was the Speghetti Factory for our "Last Supper' and tonight he gets set apart.  Oh, to be 19, get to spend two years in Mexico and learn a foreign language.  Guess I am about 60 years too late for that thought! But the experience will direct his life forever.
"To experience the experience you have to experience the experience!"
You can never say to someone "I know just how you feel".....No, you don't.  You may have had an experience like it, but you never had "their" experience.  You may have lost a loved one, been in a terrible accident, lost everything you had in a fire, flood or storm, as many people have, but your experience WILL BE different in how you react to it.  It is good to share your feelings which lets someone know others have endured sad, bad, scary situations also and survived.
"I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become."

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