Saturday, February 9, 2013


This IS MY FAMILY.........I had graduated by the time this picture was taken and home for a visit, the other four children were still home.  How loved I felt tucked under my Dad's arm and I knew I was loved by the whole bunch.  We didn't have much but love was all we needed to be happy. We did many things together and enjoyed my grandparents Goff who lived a block up the street. We lived in a small town where we knew everyone and were safe.  These are the things that molded me to go out into the real world and make good make them proud......This is what I see in the two missionaries my familys have sent out to be missionaries. These boys came from loving and supportive families that backed their decisions to serve their church. They will feel this support from all of us the whole time they are in the mission field.  My cousin tells me of the many missionaries they feed and love whose families never contact them the whole two years, no letters, emailing, packages. I know my cousin who joined the church because of my Mother's influence came from parents who were catholics and did not support him going on a mission, so he had to rely on the church and friends.  I am very proud of Jon Keller and now understand how hard it was for him.....or would have been without a strong testimony.   I just want to hug every missionary I see in town and tell them.....good job.

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