Friday, February 8, 2013

We all say our prayers......or not,..... but, I thought this one was worth a second thought.  You never know what is going to happen when you are asleep.  I also feel this thought has merrit. "If you don't enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?" and "No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone."  Every day presents its own set of problems........I was taught that coffee and tea are bad for you.  Both my parents were coffee drinkers.  Now I know a hundred years ago when Brigham Young set up this rule for the church not much was known or being studied about the effects of these products on the body......he just made up the rule.  I know there are also studies on smoking and liquior that show they are harmful to the body. So when I see an article like the following I question Brigham???  "Coffee is a brew with benefits, in addition to keeping us healthy (all those antioxidents), caffeine boots brainpower and happiness.  1.  Having a cup of coffee stimulates the part of the brain that processes positive words, which in turn may make you more optimistic. 2.  consumed with cream and sugar give you  more memory and attention span. (Tufts Univ. & Univ of Barcelona) 

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