Sunday, January 12, 2014


I feel this should be my daily prayer......with all my blessings.  The girls ask me to take care of their kids.......but I hate to admit their kids are taking care of their grandma.  It didn't use to be though, when they were little it was very busy......up, down, in, out, more food, no food, fighting with each other, baths and bed time struggles.  Now, they are all very self sufficient and fix me food, help me in, out, up.......check on me and take very good care of me. We have a special bonding time without the parents influence.  I feel needed and wanted and kinda useful? There is nothing more wonderful than good grandchildren to make you proud.
You can only go forward in life soooo letting yourself let go of regrets will get you far.  We've all missed opportunities and let possibilities pass.  We've all had times when we let self-doubt get the best of us and second-guessed ourselves. But why dwell on that when there are so many more chances for happiness on the way?  Like spending a week in Vernal with two sweet boys.

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