Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Oh yes.....It is our choice .....In fact the three C's are CHOICE, CHANCE and CHANGE.  We realize we have choices in life, we have to risk sometimes and take a chance in our life to make a change.....and move on when we are stuck, or if we fall down.....get back up and go on living.  I am trying hard not be a judger of someone else.  So many factors enter into what a person's face portrays of them.  Having many face is an ordinary, everyday experience for everyone.  When you get up in the morning you might have an disoriented and confused look facing the day.....your distant face.  You see your child and have a loving face.  Your working a hard puzzle and have a puzzled face.  After your favorite meal you have a satisfied face.  Something goes wrong and you have a angry face.  You fall on the ice and have a stupid face.....these faces are all part of almost every person's life. You judge a person as good or bad sometimes depending which one of his faces happen to be there.  We all have had a tired face or a sick face or a happy face.  We sometimes limit ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs.....they are more powerful in shaping our lives than anything we were born with. So, guide your thoughts to positive and your beliefs that you can do and be anything you desire.  I think today I am wearing a bored fourth day and no retail therapy. I know I could drive down to Vernal's Walmart, but it's cold outside.
Now I have a smiling face!

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