Sunday, January 5, 2014

IT'S TRUE........

Looks like this month is locked into it's deep freeze.....Cold but not as cold as it is back East!  Wish I still was a skier, then those snow covered mountains would be more welcome.  Yesterday went to see my nephew's son Chase at the Hale Theater in "THE FOREIGNER".....he was funny.  I hadn't seen Mike and Andrea for awhile......I am wondering?????? Pam and I went shopping today and plan to cook steak and watch a movie in awhile as Rob is off deer hunting in Arizona.
As you get older, you find out that true happiness is not in how much money you make, or how many degrees you have, or how big your house is, or how fancy your cars. It's finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that becomes he most important thing to you.  Your family is what matters to you. Love is what matters to you.  Things that are of quality, not quantity.........AND BOTTOM LINE, WHEN A PERSON DIES.......EVERYONE HAS THE SAME SIZE GRAVE!

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