Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Every day a new big weather story from some part of the US.....or world.  Today hundreds of people stranded, airlines canceling and even children spending the night at school with teachers around the Atlanta area......nice warm, sunny Atlanta!  California burning up from no moisture, and my cute Nicci enduring 41 degrees below zero with the wind shield and we at Salt Lake have been under freezing weather for the last month, but need some moisture......What is God trying to tell us?
Sherrie and Karrie off to California to check out the 'Coastal Look' in homes for ideas for Richard's new project. They will be home tomorrow, fun having Sherrie all night.  Rob and I did a movie last night.....Pam at work.  Also I won at bridge bought the popcorn.  That is twice this both bridge clubs I won.....yes!
NOTE;  Almost all of us who have been parents have had the feeling of wanting to give our children perfect lives, lives without pain or sorrow, but of course none of us can.  There are many times in life when we can't solve our children's problems or get rid of their fears.  Perhaps all we can do is to provide a safe, loving place and a willingness to listen. All three of the girls.....have or are.....dealing with trying to keep kids happy.  And oh yes, Alex thinks he is in love with a Salvadorian lady missionary......whooooo.

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