Friday, January 24, 2014


"I'm taking care of you.  Taking good care of you.  For once I was very little too.  Now I take care of you".....words from a song Mr. Rogers use to sing.
While some challenges our children face my make us anxious, they also present us with one of the great opportunities of parenting---the chance to resolve these lingering anxieties of our own.  That's why I often say that "children offer us another chance to grow."  Going through an experience with your child that was once frightening to you when you were a child allows you to find ways to comfort not only your own son or daughter, but also the child that has remained within yourself.  You're an adult now and you can use your adult perspective to make a difference in your children's present and your own past.
Think about this.......The relationship a parent has with a first-born is different than with any subsequent children......Why?  The difference is natural, but it can sometimes make a parent feel guilty.  The birth of a first child is the birth of parenthood for that child's mother and father.  As new parents, they suddenly open the door for all kinds of new learning---not only about their baby, but also about parts of themselves they thought were long forgotten. 
I am so glad I am in the "grammy" stage and I know I don't get any gold stars for being the best mother on earth with I tried with all my heart to be and did the best I could with each child being different.....even my twins!
     Quiet weekend I went to Merrill Lynch to talk to Nicole Fernandez about my account.  Offered to take Shirley lunch.....she is packing too move......she was off with her son.  So I went to a movie.  Nice day.

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