Monday, January 6, 2014


"McDonald's".......the magic word for most children......was not around when I grew up, it didn't even get to Utah until after Pam was older.  So what about the mascot......the funny looking clown?  Ronald McDonald is the famous mascot of McDonald's and all children recognize him, but not as he looked in the beginning.  McDonald's founded on May 5, 1940 in San Bernardino.  I have traveled the United States and all around the world and there are McDonald's everywhere.  They are all more or less alike and you can depend on clean bathrooms and ice in your drinks.  Ice in your drinks is rare in EUROPE and some other countries. They have improved the clown a lot!
Here is a picture of the early Santa Claus?????  Santa Claus , also known as St. Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simple "Santa" a mythical figure with legendary historical and folkloric origins.  Santa started out in Turkey as a 4th century bishop named Nicholas.  Early legends said Nicholas helped poor provide a better life.  If you saw this man would you ever guess he was the first Santa Claus?  Children all over the world for many years love the man no matter what he looked like......Yes, I like the big, fat, jolly guy in red that comes around our house on the 24th of December but it is good to know where and when Christmas started.........
Still cold, but got up and did a very long list of chores today......a good way to start this week and this year.......and learn a little history!!! 

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