Thursday, January 23, 2014

LOVE IS......

Love comes in many kinds of packages......for many reasons......but all very important.  To me LOVE is the most important thing in this world.  Sometimes it isn't easy but those who do it and enjoy it back are the luckiest people or animals in the world.
Love is patient, love is kind, it has no envy, or boasts itself and it is never proud.  It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker.  Love protests, preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life.  Love can occur between two or more is human or animal.....It bonds them and connects them in an unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence.  Love never falters in sickness, bad health or poverty. The depth of love cannot be measured ......Love especially between a mother and children is unconditional and cannot be measured.....
I am so lucky to have three wonderful family that love me and are always there for me......even their animals love their grammy..........and my special little dog Gigi.  I have dear friends that I know love me, but in a different way and of course my sister, brother assorted nieces and nephews are included in my circle of love. 
Yesterday a fun day of bridge.....I WON......but today is back to business and try and get something worthwhile done. My thought for the day;  Sooner or later everyone sets down to the banquet of consequences!  Remember this as you go from day to day in your life.....

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