Monday, January 13, 2014

HOW TRUE IT IS.........

With this new year 2014 just a few days old, some of the following things pop out to remind me will be having another birthday in a couple of months........and with another year  having passed and being a little older makes you think.....
Last summer felt hotter and winter seems much colder.......I rack my brain for happy thoughts to put down on my pad......But lots of things that come to mind , just make me kind of sad.......There was a time not long ago when life was quit a blast....Now I fully understand about living in the past......We use to go to weddings, football games and we go to funeral homes and after funeral brunches......We use to have hangovers from parties that were gay, Now we suffer body aches and while the night away......We use to travel often to places near and far, Now we get sore bottoms from riding in the car......We use to go out shopping for new clothing at the mall, but now we never bother.....all the sizes are to small......We use to go to night clubs and drink a little booze, now we stay at home at night and watch the evening news......That, my friend is how life is and now my tale is told.....So enjoy each day and live it up......before you're too darned old!!!!
So my plan is to grow old gracefully with love, joy, peace, happiness and hope I have a little money in my pocket! Today I am enjoying a beautiful winter Vernal watching the neighbors horses and cows try to find something to eat under several inches of if they were my animals?????

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