Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chapter #25....around the world....

LONDON ENGLAND......Oh yes, seen and read much about the wonders in England in my history Yeomans family originated there.....I have had many trips and you never get tired of London with all the fun things to see and do.  Of course BUCKINGHAM PALACE is top on the list especially since we loved Dianna and now Kate......The changing of the Guards and the fun little guys with their tall black fur hats!!! Probably the TOWER OF LONDON would be next on my list by the wonderful LONDON BRIDGE, the crown Jewel's and the black crows.  WESTMINISTER CHATHEDRAL where we watched the beautiful weddings of the royals......I never tier of the MUSEUM and the famous WAX MUSEUM.....The Silver Vaults...... and a must is shopping at one of the most fun stores I have ever been to HARRODS. One of my first trips with Don we were lucky enough to get a ticket to set in on a session of PARLIMENT and eat lunch in the commissary in the basement. Artists everywhere alone the river Thames and the huge VICTORIA STATION.....where once a Gypsies stole my sister Dixie's purse.......but one of my girls saw it happen and we got it back! After they went to the police station for awhile.
Then add in the thrill of taking in the latest plays in their very interesting theaters.  I have seen ANNIE.....LeMES....CATS....AND.... PLEASE WE ARE BRITISH.  The red phone booths and double decker buses ....very British.  Loved our day trip to YORK that we took with their quaint streets and the QE-2 dropped me off in South Hampton once. A special driving trip with my friend ANN, we took in STONE HENGE and enjoyed the town of Bath........ You can read about all this forever but it is a thrill to see it with your own eyes.

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