Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I AM WHAT I AM.......

How great is it when you finally face the fact that "I am me....." or  "It is what it is"........So many years a nice flat stomach, no operation scares, lots of hair on my head .....now things have changed.  But I had it all when I was young and it was really important, now the big reason for a skinny body is mostly for health reasons.  Your heart is better, it is easier on your knees and hips, blood pressure and diabetes.  Yes, I am most comfortable in my PJs and now and then I take a day off just hanging out with no make up or fancy hair do.  I am proud of many things though, decent health, good mind, able to help my children a little and they still make my size of clothes!!!
Because of my pre-diabetes I am having to cut out a few things in the carbs and sweet departments and that isn't always fun.......but I will survive.
I have learned a few things with age......make peace with your past so it won 't screw up the present.  I can't worry about what others think of me.......9  out of 10 times they probably aren't even thinking about me???  Yes, time does heal most things......after 27 years I don't hate my X anymore......I just feel sorry for him for the choices he has made.  I don't waste my time comparing my life with others who might have a nice husband, a big house or drive a fancy car or never have to worry about money.  The biggie is ......no one is in charge of my happiness, except me!
Took in a movie with a friend but didn't get much else done today......it is still freezing outside.

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