Monday, January 27, 2014

WEIGHTING IN..........

I broke down and bought a pair of bathroom scales......I have never felt the need to step on one for a long time......when my pants got tight I knew it was time to cut down a little......or a lot!  I realized I would never get down to my original weight......birth rate.......or even teen youth or wedding weight.....but I was just diagnosed with pre-diabetes and my doctor said I could head it off with weight loss and exercise.  I cut out my favorite.....BREAD......was raised on it, then potatoes and pasta and white rice.....and yes sugar!  Lost 7 pounds without even knowing it!  Now I am pumped and will keep trying. 
Busy day lunch with Pam and to Zupas for lunch.  Then Pam and I checked out carpets and bar stools for the new house.  Leslie called Jim is getting his back operated on tomorrow in Albuquerque.......and Alex told his folks he is in love with a sister missionary from Honduras or somewhere out there.......I laughed.......then we decided it wasn't funny! KIDS??????

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