Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter #26.....around the world.

MADRID, SPAIN!......I have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed a couple of fun trips to that beautiful country.  Don and I explored this great city enjoying two days at the Parado, Museum, (which is one of my favorite museums in the world).....On his birthday we went to one of the "musts" in Spain....... a bull fight in a huge stadium which was full of loud and rowdy natives. I have never had so many emotions....of first hating the bull....then the matador.....the horse got gored and I hated both of them.....Never again, too much blood.  We went to their Sunday flea market which I recommend to everyone.  Sat in their fun side walk cafes for lunch and  people watching and then the great shopping is  fun little shops tucked away.  I did have one problem with Madrid they don't eat their evening meal until nine or ten ......when most the big restaurants serve that time of night I was starving.  I later realized this is a popular custom in Europe.
Then we caught the train to the beach resort of TORREMOLINOS for a couple of days. staying in a great bungalow on the Mediterranean beach........ Originally a small fishing village.....that has been discovered by the tourist and is now a very busy and popular place.
My second trip was with Ann.....we flew into Madrid, spent a couple of days touring the important spots......then we caught the train down to Torremolinos over niter where one of the natives wanted to play footies all night!!!  We met up with our tour that was taking us to MOROCCO, AFRICA......for a 10 day bus tour........(a later chapter)......  They ferried us ......and our double decker bus.....across to Africa and I got to see THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR.......but only took a picture.  It is still on my bucket list!  Back to Spain 10 days later and caught the train back to Madrid to fly home.  It was a better train ride back as we took a sleeper and arrived rested.  I really could have used better Spanish on this trip!

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