Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chapter #24.....around the world cont.

You say IRELAND and I say "Blarney Stone".......But there is oh so much more to Ireland than the Blarney Castle and it's kissing stone.....Don and I spent a week in Ireland with two of my favorite people....,The Noalls.......Pat a Catholic was on the hunt for her genealogy being a McCarthy.  We rented a car at the airport and took off on the wrong side of the road.....for me!  It was great fun being able to stop when you wanted and where you wanted.  There were miles of "bogs".....fields of sheep..... and the ubiquitous stone fences that snake across Ireland's idyllic country side.
The Cliffs of Moher are all they say they are, they are huge and the million of birds that live on them are a great sight. Many old castles in various stages of upkeep.  I did love the Blarney Castle and of course had to kiss the " Blarney Stone" so I could receive a certificate stating I had done it!  Dave held my legs as I lay on my back and leaned over the edge to kiss it????I didn't trust Don to hold my legs I thought he's let go of me just to see how hard I would land!.......We spent a couple of hours enjoying the Waterford Crystal Factory and enjoyed shopping for the beautiful fisherman sweaters and caps at many fun shops along the way.  The brightly lit pubs everywhere entice customers in for a "pint" or Irish coffee for me.
We stayed in people's homes and they gave us a big American type breakfast........this was fun as we got to know the locals and they could recommend places to see and eat.  Yes, I would go back!

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