Thursday, January 30, 2014

CHAPTER #27.....around the world.

GERMANY.........One of my favorite countries.  I have seen most of it and spent many vacations there visiting friends and relatives.  Several years we flew over and picked up a new Mercedes.  We would drive two or three weeks, ship the car home, drive it a year, sell it for what we paid for it and go back and get another one.  It was fun and exciting.....We stayed a lot in the people's home, they rented rooms to earn money and feed you a very good breakfast.    We could stop where we wanted and saw beautiful churches, castles, museums, ruins and walled cities.  We had fun shopping and the food over there was good every where.  Driving a new Mercedes 90 miles an hour down the autobahn is a thrill and took me most of our first trip to find out Ausfart and Enfart were not towns but enter and exit for the autobahn.  Favorite memories.......... visits to Ludwicks castle...."Neuswanstein" and the October Fest.
My last trip to Germany I visited Berlin.  So much history in that region.  Check Point Charlie and parts of the Berlin Wall........and a museum that full of their past sad history.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Every day a new big weather story from some part of the US.....or world.  Today hundreds of people stranded, airlines canceling and even children spending the night at school with teachers around the Atlanta area......nice warm, sunny Atlanta!  California burning up from no moisture, and my cute Nicci enduring 41 degrees below zero with the wind shield and we at Salt Lake have been under freezing weather for the last month, but need some moisture......What is God trying to tell us?
Sherrie and Karrie off to California to check out the 'Coastal Look' in homes for ideas for Richard's new project. They will be home tomorrow, fun having Sherrie all night.  Rob and I did a movie last night.....Pam at work.  Also I won at bridge bought the popcorn.  That is twice this both bridge clubs I won.....yes!
NOTE;  Almost all of us who have been parents have had the feeling of wanting to give our children perfect lives, lives without pain or sorrow, but of course none of us can.  There are many times in life when we can't solve our children's problems or get rid of their fears.  Perhaps all we can do is to provide a safe, loving place and a willingness to listen. All three of the girls.....have or are.....dealing with trying to keep kids happy.  And oh yes, Alex thinks he is in love with a Salvadorian lady missionary......whooooo.

Monday, January 27, 2014

WEIGHTING IN..........

I broke down and bought a pair of bathroom scales......I have never felt the need to step on one for a long time......when my pants got tight I knew it was time to cut down a little......or a lot!  I realized I would never get down to my original weight......birth rate.......or even teen youth or wedding weight.....but I was just diagnosed with pre-diabetes and my doctor said I could head it off with weight loss and exercise.  I cut out my favorite.....BREAD......was raised on it, then potatoes and pasta and white rice.....and yes sugar!  Lost 7 pounds without even knowing it!  Now I am pumped and will keep trying. 
Busy day lunch with Pam and to Zupas for lunch.  Then Pam and I checked out carpets and bar stools for the new house.  Leslie called Jim is getting his back operated on tomorrow in Albuquerque.......and Alex told his folks he is in love with a sister missionary from Honduras or somewhere out there.......I laughed.......then we decided it wasn't funny! KIDS??????

Friday, January 24, 2014


"I'm taking care of you.  Taking good care of you.  For once I was very little too.  Now I take care of you".....words from a song Mr. Rogers use to sing.
While some challenges our children face my make us anxious, they also present us with one of the great opportunities of parenting---the chance to resolve these lingering anxieties of our own.  That's why I often say that "children offer us another chance to grow."  Going through an experience with your child that was once frightening to you when you were a child allows you to find ways to comfort not only your own son or daughter, but also the child that has remained within yourself.  You're an adult now and you can use your adult perspective to make a difference in your children's present and your own past.
Think about this.......The relationship a parent has with a first-born is different than with any subsequent children......Why?  The difference is natural, but it can sometimes make a parent feel guilty.  The birth of a first child is the birth of parenthood for that child's mother and father.  As new parents, they suddenly open the door for all kinds of new learning---not only about their baby, but also about parts of themselves they thought were long forgotten. 
I am so glad I am in the "grammy" stage and I know I don't get any gold stars for being the best mother on earth with I tried with all my heart to be and did the best I could with each child being different.....even my twins!
     Quiet weekend I went to Merrill Lynch to talk to Nicole Fernandez about my account.  Offered to take Shirley lunch.....she is packing too move......she was off with her son.  So I went to a movie.  Nice day.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

LOVE IS......

Love comes in many kinds of packages......for many reasons......but all very important.  To me LOVE is the most important thing in this world.  Sometimes it isn't easy but those who do it and enjoy it back are the luckiest people or animals in the world.
Love is patient, love is kind, it has no envy, or boasts itself and it is never proud.  It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker.  Love protests, preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life.  Love can occur between two or more is human or animal.....It bonds them and connects them in an unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence.  Love never falters in sickness, bad health or poverty. The depth of love cannot be measured ......Love especially between a mother and children is unconditional and cannot be measured.....
I am so lucky to have three wonderful family that love me and are always there for me......even their animals love their grammy..........and my special little dog Gigi.  I have dear friends that I know love me, but in a different way and of course my sister, brother assorted nieces and nephews are included in my circle of love. 
Yesterday a fun day of bridge.....I WON......but today is back to business and try and get something worthwhile done. My thought for the day;  Sooner or later everyone sets down to the banquet of consequences!  Remember this as you go from day to day in your life.....

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Yea.....Yes......Yes.....I have watched my weight go up much to my doctors concern.....Then she tells me I have Pre-Diabetes......Well, that did it.  Six weeks ago I started cutting out my favorite two pieces of toast with lots of butter on it every many goodies.....switched to popcorn. etc. no sweets......   Well I waltzed in today and have lost 7 pounds.........I even was so pumped I went to BIG LOTS and bought myself a pair of bathroom scales (which I haven't owned in years.......) and I am determined to stay away from bread, potatoes ,pasta and sweets!. It was not even my New Years resolution.
As the years have passed and I keep adding another number to my years......It is obvious that I entered into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains.  The inability to do the things I want has not been as obvious, it sneaked in unseen.   I slowly have come to realize I am on the 'back nine" and have no notion as to how long I may linger.
Each day getting into the shower getting dressed are my main targets.  Taking a nap is no longer a's mandatory Any regrets???
Of course.....there are things I wish I hadn't done, things I should have done and didn't, and things I'm happy to have done.   Time passes.  Do whatever you want to do quickly......WHY?
Today maybe the oldest we've ever been and the youngest we'll ever be...........

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Choosing in life is our "CHOOSE THE RIGHT".......Walk with the Dreamers.........The Believers........The Courageous.....The Cheerful.....The Planners.....The Doers......The Successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.....
Not all those who wander are lost........
On particularly rough days when I'm sure I can't possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%, and that's pretty good.........Besides being a survivor....I would like to add some NEW strive for.  Alluring.....Exquisite....Gorgeous......Tantalizing....Enchanting......Charming......and Glamorous!
Today was very productive....three batches of laundry, washed my hair, picked up and put away and unpacked my suitcase...... waxed the floors....picked up my Christmas Book from Target......and went to dinner with the Cooks.  One more chore on my my two missionaries!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Been a fun and a long week tending, and today I am ready for a nap!!!!  Sherrie got home this morning, loaded up and headed home.  They had fun but there is no place like home......and the two dogs were glad to see them.  Brayden is recuperating nicely after I took him in yesterday and had two wisdom teeth removed. I am glad his Mom is home to follow up and besides everyone needs their mom in times of hurt........The Panniers are at the Barn and the Cooks very busy so I will hibernate!
     I hope my children know.......I will always need my children no mater what age I am......My children have made me laugh.....made me proud.....made me cry....hugged me tight....seen me fall.....cheered me up.....kept me going strong.....and driven me crazy at times!  But, my children are a promise from God that I will have a friend forever.......People who selfishly decide children are a bother....tie you down.....cost too much money or cause you to choose them or an profession.....absolutely are the losers .......especially as you age.......and the joy of grandchildren...... THANK YOU GOD FOR MY THREE DAUGHTERS!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter #26.....around the world.

MADRID, SPAIN!......I have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed a couple of fun trips to that beautiful country.  Don and I explored this great city enjoying two days at the Parado, Museum, (which is one of my favorite museums in the world).....On his birthday we went to one of the "musts" in Spain....... a bull fight in a huge stadium which was full of loud and rowdy natives. I have never had so many emotions....of first hating the bull....then the matador.....the horse got gored and I hated both of them.....Never again, too much blood.  We went to their Sunday flea market which I recommend to everyone.  Sat in their fun side walk cafes for lunch and  people watching and then the great shopping is  fun little shops tucked away.  I did have one problem with Madrid they don't eat their evening meal until nine or ten ......when most the big restaurants serve that time of night I was starving.  I later realized this is a popular custom in Europe.
Then we caught the train to the beach resort of TORREMOLINOS for a couple of days. staying in a great bungalow on the Mediterranean beach........ Originally a small fishing village.....that has been discovered by the tourist and is now a very busy and popular place.
My second trip was with Ann.....we flew into Madrid, spent a couple of days touring the important spots......then we caught the train down to Torremolinos over niter where one of the natives wanted to play footies all night!!!  We met up with our tour that was taking us to MOROCCO, AFRICA......for a 10 day bus tour........(a later chapter)......  They ferried us ......and our double decker bus.....across to Africa and I got to see THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR.......but only took a picture.  It is still on my bucket list!  Back to Spain 10 days later and caught the train back to Madrid to fly home.  It was a better train ride back as we took a sleeper and arrived rested.  I really could have used better Spanish on this trip!


Happy Birthday Leslie, to my youngest and only sister I have left......I was a happy 11 year old when she was born and got to do a lot of baby tending.  In the past few years we have had many fun adventures together......Two driving trips which were so much fun exploring the states.......our first we took in MOUNT RUSHMORE and then wandered on down to BRANSON, Missouri to take in the fun music and shows there.....Plus, TOM SAWYER COUNTRY and a stop through our church history area and.on back to Colorado where we visited our Aunt Betty and took in CENTRAL CITY, a fun old mining town. The second trip a little more involved....flew to PROVIDENCE, RI.  We rented a car and with our trustee GPS took off to see the Northwest.....which I loved because I had not seen any of it. It was in October and we got in on the beautiful Fall Foliage. Two weeks later and many beautiful places to remember we ended up in MARILYN and turned in our rented car and flew home.....such fun and great memories.  We have done COPPER CANYON, Mexico and several CRUISES. Also some great trips to Europe.....Oh Yes, so happy to have a fun traveling partner in her.  She is now newly settled in Mesquite, Nevada which is closer than Winslow, AZ and I look forward to many more happy times together.....maybe a little closer to home.   Happy Birthday Les.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chapter #25....around the world....

LONDON ENGLAND......Oh yes, seen and read much about the wonders in England in my history Yeomans family originated there.....I have had many trips and you never get tired of London with all the fun things to see and do.  Of course BUCKINGHAM PALACE is top on the list especially since we loved Dianna and now Kate......The changing of the Guards and the fun little guys with their tall black fur hats!!! Probably the TOWER OF LONDON would be next on my list by the wonderful LONDON BRIDGE, the crown Jewel's and the black crows.  WESTMINISTER CHATHEDRAL where we watched the beautiful weddings of the royals......I never tier of the MUSEUM and the famous WAX MUSEUM.....The Silver Vaults...... and a must is shopping at one of the most fun stores I have ever been to HARRODS. One of my first trips with Don we were lucky enough to get a ticket to set in on a session of PARLIMENT and eat lunch in the commissary in the basement. Artists everywhere alone the river Thames and the huge VICTORIA STATION.....where once a Gypsies stole my sister Dixie's purse.......but one of my girls saw it happen and we got it back! After they went to the police station for awhile.
Then add in the thrill of taking in the latest plays in their very interesting theaters.  I have seen ANNIE.....LeMES....CATS....AND.... PLEASE WE ARE BRITISH.  The red phone booths and double decker buses ....very British.  Loved our day trip to YORK that we took with their quaint streets and the QE-2 dropped me off in South Hampton once. A special driving trip with my friend ANN, we took in STONE HENGE and enjoyed the town of Bath........ You can read about all this forever but it is a thrill to see it with your own eyes.


Oh yes.....It is our choice .....In fact the three C's are CHOICE, CHANCE and CHANGE.  We realize we have choices in life, we have to risk sometimes and take a chance in our life to make a change.....and move on when we are stuck, or if we fall down.....get back up and go on living.  I am trying hard not be a judger of someone else.  So many factors enter into what a person's face portrays of them.  Having many face is an ordinary, everyday experience for everyone.  When you get up in the morning you might have an disoriented and confused look facing the day.....your distant face.  You see your child and have a loving face.  Your working a hard puzzle and have a puzzled face.  After your favorite meal you have a satisfied face.  Something goes wrong and you have a angry face.  You fall on the ice and have a stupid face.....these faces are all part of almost every person's life. You judge a person as good or bad sometimes depending which one of his faces happen to be there.  We all have had a tired face or a sick face or a happy face.  We sometimes limit ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs.....they are more powerful in shaping our lives than anything we were born with. So, guide your thoughts to positive and your beliefs that you can do and be anything you desire.  I think today I am wearing a bored fourth day and no retail therapy. I know I could drive down to Vernal's Walmart, but it's cold outside.
Now I have a smiling face!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another.......And above all things clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace. ---Doctrine and Covenants 88;124-25
Imagine how our own families, let alone the world, would change If we vowed to keep faith with one another, strengthen one another, look for and accentuate the virtues in one another, and speak graciously concerning one another.  Imagine the cumulative effect if we treated each other with respect and acceptance, if we willingly provided support.  Such interactions practiced on a small scale would surely have a rippling effect throughout our homes and communities and, eventually, society at large.  The way I see it the world is in great need at this time for us to step up and take charge.
Today will never come again.  "Have I done any good in the world today?  Have I helped anyone in need?  Due to the fact I am tending two grandsons this week......being sure they are on schedule, eating, doing chores etc. and letting three dogs in and letting three dogs out and letting three dogs in......etc. each day I feel I am doing some good.  Could I do more?  Yes, I am sure we can all do more........

Chapter #24.....around the world cont.

You say IRELAND and I say "Blarney Stone".......But there is oh so much more to Ireland than the Blarney Castle and it's kissing stone.....Don and I spent a week in Ireland with two of my favorite people....,The Noalls.......Pat a Catholic was on the hunt for her genealogy being a McCarthy.  We rented a car at the airport and took off on the wrong side of the road.....for me!  It was great fun being able to stop when you wanted and where you wanted.  There were miles of "bogs".....fields of sheep..... and the ubiquitous stone fences that snake across Ireland's idyllic country side.
The Cliffs of Moher are all they say they are, they are huge and the million of birds that live on them are a great sight. Many old castles in various stages of upkeep.  I did love the Blarney Castle and of course had to kiss the " Blarney Stone" so I could receive a certificate stating I had done it!  Dave held my legs as I lay on my back and leaned over the edge to kiss it????I didn't trust Don to hold my legs I thought he's let go of me just to see how hard I would land!.......We spent a couple of hours enjoying the Waterford Crystal Factory and enjoyed shopping for the beautiful fisherman sweaters and caps at many fun shops along the way.  The brightly lit pubs everywhere entice customers in for a "pint" or Irish coffee for me.
We stayed in people's homes and they gave us a big American type breakfast........this was fun as we got to know the locals and they could recommend places to see and eat.  Yes, I would go back!

Monday, January 13, 2014

HOW TRUE IT IS.........

With this new year 2014 just a few days old, some of the following things pop out to remind me will be having another birthday in a couple of months........and with another year  having passed and being a little older makes you think.....
Last summer felt hotter and winter seems much colder.......I rack my brain for happy thoughts to put down on my pad......But lots of things that come to mind , just make me kind of sad.......There was a time not long ago when life was quit a blast....Now I fully understand about living in the past......We use to go to weddings, football games and we go to funeral homes and after funeral brunches......We use to have hangovers from parties that were gay, Now we suffer body aches and while the night away......We use to travel often to places near and far, Now we get sore bottoms from riding in the car......We use to go out shopping for new clothing at the mall, but now we never bother.....all the sizes are to small......We use to go to night clubs and drink a little booze, now we stay at home at night and watch the evening news......That, my friend is how life is and now my tale is told.....So enjoy each day and live it up......before you're too darned old!!!!
So my plan is to grow old gracefully with love, joy, peace, happiness and hope I have a little money in my pocket! Today I am enjoying a beautiful winter Vernal watching the neighbors horses and cows try to find something to eat under several inches of if they were my animals?????

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I feel this should be my daily prayer......with all my blessings.  The girls ask me to take care of their kids.......but I hate to admit their kids are taking care of their grandma.  It didn't use to be though, when they were little it was very busy......up, down, in, out, more food, no food, fighting with each other, baths and bed time struggles.  Now, they are all very self sufficient and fix me food, help me in, out, up.......check on me and take very good care of me. We have a special bonding time without the parents influence.  I feel needed and wanted and kinda useful? There is nothing more wonderful than good grandchildren to make you proud.
You can only go forward in life soooo letting yourself let go of regrets will get you far.  We've all missed opportunities and let possibilities pass.  We've all had times when we let self-doubt get the best of us and second-guessed ourselves. But why dwell on that when there are so many more chances for happiness on the way?  Like spending a week in Vernal with two sweet boys.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


This very happy looking, content person is me after a great dinner at Little America Christmas Eve......every time I look at it I smile and remember the good time I had that night with some of my darling grandchildren and their parents........Now this weekend I arrived in Vernal for a week with two of my other 9 grandchildren.  Brayden and Kennedy.  A chance for making more memories.  Each child and each situation has so much to offer if we only take the time to spend with them and get to know them and their dreams and goals in life.  Kennedy is working on a game of Sponge Bob Square Pants.....I think it is a TV game but just the thought is wonderful to create something new all your own.  Brayden is up at the barn working on his pickup truck.....they never seem to stop doing something.  NOW me I'm just sitting here looking out a the cold snowy fields and mountains, do see some sledders on one of them, but glad I am not out there.....while Sherrie and Darren are on the warm sunny beaches in Kawaii!!  Kar called to check that we made it safely and Pam and Rob are tending my house!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


This is my little missionary all grown up......kinda,....... but still looks cute in his "onesies".......Richard told Karrie he wanted some he called them......when he was little they were jamies with the feet in for his birthday I bought those and she sent them to him.  I really didn't expect he would dare wear them, but told him I wanted a picture of him if he did........Well, I think he looks pretty neat in them and all missionaries need a pair. He has not lost his sense of humor and has been in Mexico almost a year!
Spent three hours with Patty having coffee at McDonalds......we got caught up.  Been snowing on and off all day and still cold.  Doing chores getting ready to spend a week in vernal with the grandkids next week.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I AM WHAT I AM.......

How great is it when you finally face the fact that "I am me....." or  "It is what it is"........So many years a nice flat stomach, no operation scares, lots of hair on my head things have changed.  But I had it all when I was young and it was really important, now the big reason for a skinny body is mostly for health reasons.  Your heart is better, it is easier on your knees and hips, blood pressure and diabetes.  Yes, I am most comfortable in my PJs and now and then I take a day off just hanging out with no make up or fancy hair do.  I am proud of many things though, decent health, good mind, able to help my children a little and they still make my size of clothes!!!
Because of my pre-diabetes I am having to cut out a few things in the carbs and sweet departments and that isn't always fun.......but I will survive.
I have learned a few things with age......make peace with your past so it won 't screw up the present.  I can't worry about what others think of me.......9  out of 10 times they probably aren't even thinking about me???  Yes, time does heal most things......after 27 years I don't hate my X anymore......I just feel sorry for him for the choices he has made.  I don't waste my time comparing my life with others who might have a nice husband, a big house or drive a fancy car or never have to worry about money.  The biggie is one is in charge of my happiness, except me!
Took in a movie with a friend but didn't get much else done is still freezing outside.

Monday, January 6, 2014


"McDonald's".......the magic word for most children......was not around when I grew up, it didn't even get to Utah until after Pam was older.  So what about the mascot......the funny looking clown?  Ronald McDonald is the famous mascot of McDonald's and all children recognize him, but not as he looked in the beginning.  McDonald's founded on May 5, 1940 in San Bernardino.  I have traveled the United States and all around the world and there are McDonald's everywhere.  They are all more or less alike and you can depend on clean bathrooms and ice in your drinks.  Ice in your drinks is rare in EUROPE and some other countries. They have improved the clown a lot!
Here is a picture of the early Santa Claus?????  Santa Claus , also known as St. Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simple "Santa" a mythical figure with legendary historical and folkloric origins.  Santa started out in Turkey as a 4th century bishop named Nicholas.  Early legends said Nicholas helped poor provide a better life.  If you saw this man would you ever guess he was the first Santa Claus?  Children all over the world for many years love the man no matter what he looked like......Yes, I like the big, fat, jolly guy in red that comes around our house on the 24th of December but it is good to know where and when Christmas started.........
Still cold, but got up and did a very long list of chores today......a good way to start this week and this year.......and learn a little history!!! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

IT'S TRUE........

Looks like this month is locked into it's deep freeze.....Cold but not as cold as it is back East!  Wish I still was a skier, then those snow covered mountains would be more welcome.  Yesterday went to see my nephew's son Chase at the Hale Theater in "THE FOREIGNER".....he was funny.  I hadn't seen Mike and Andrea for awhile......I am wondering?????? Pam and I went shopping today and plan to cook steak and watch a movie in awhile as Rob is off deer hunting in Arizona.
As you get older, you find out that true happiness is not in how much money you make, or how many degrees you have, or how big your house is, or how fancy your cars. It's finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that becomes he most important thing to you.  Your family is what matters to you. Love is what matters to you.  Things that are of quality, not quantity.........AND BOTTOM LINE, WHEN A PERSON DIES.......EVERYONE HAS THE SAME SIZE GRAVE!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014


How can you not help but have a Happy Holiday when you have three beautiful daughters with wonderful families that love and take really good care of you........It was a great holiday but we did miss our missionaries and Nicci and Bill.  Good news this morning Alex will be home from Brazil March 8th!  January is already moving on very fast with my calendar  filling up.  Christmas put away and my house cleaned up and back to normal with a new rug, pillows and soon to be a wall painted.  I AM READY FOR SPRING......My little sister got moved to Mesquite, Nevada this weekend and a fun new chapter in her life starts. The paper today says 43 degrees........finally out of the 30s........but for how long?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


HAPPY NEW YEAR .......What has changed since I hung up my new 2014 calendar?  Today is Wednesday the first so it is time to make out the bills for January and get them mailed.  Colored my hair and cleaned my bed room.......trying to find room for all my fun Christmas goodies.  It is still 33 degrees with no heat wave in sight.  The kids are all busy but looking forward to a GOOD NEW YEAR.
Every year at this time we think about making a New Year's resolution......I can think of dozens of things that need to be changed or improved on, but it comes right down to the fact that at my age I'm not really going to change.... So again I say to my family and friends.......There were probably many times this year when.....I MAY....have disturbed you, troubled you, pestered you, irritated you, bugged you or got on your nerves.....and so after much thought and contemplation I just wanted to warn you......SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE!!!! Cause there are NO CHANGES planned for 2014.......HAPPY NEW YEAR.