Thursday, February 28, 2013


Which twin is this?  'Is it Sherrie with her husband Darren and Don Peterson her father......or is it Karrie?   This is Karrie who gave the main talk at Kennedy's Eagle Award...he chose her probably because she is just like his Mom.  Well, after the meeting in which Karrie gave a great talk her father walked up to Sherrie and told her how nice her talk was, he did not know she could speak like that and she could talk at his funeral.  Being use to being confused Sherrie didn't bother to tell her father it wasn't she who had given the talk, but Karrie. ( Sad when a father doesn't  know their twins apart!)......but my one son-in-law said some times he wasn't sure....I hope the husbands can tell them apart!!! Anyway Sherrie said  OK,........ THEN.....  went over and told Karrie she had just been designated to speak at her father's funeral.  Karrie said no way he ask you, but Sherrie insisted because he thought it was her, she had just accepted for her?  Oh the fun of twins.........Their luck, the KMart Lady will cremate him and they won't have to worry about it.
"I love the people who are in my life and make my life AMAZING.  I'm also thankful to those people who left my life and made it even more FANTASTIC!" OH HAPPY DAY, THE SUN IS SHINNING......

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


YEA, the sun is shinning this morning! Been a long cold month of snow and winter.  But, the weather man isn't promising it's spring yet. So life goes on.  "I don't make mistakes, I HAVE HAPPY ACCIDENTS." I love taking the positive out of everything.  This is also a good thought.."Obstacles'.....they don't have to stop you.  If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.....that is the easy way out for losers.....Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it!  "Aging is not what we use to think it was, where you peak at middle age.  It's ascending a staircase into growth, wisdom, well-being and happiness." (Jane Fonda) 
I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons.  And maybe we'll never know most of them.  But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.  Yes, we all our fighting our own battles in life, some people have a health problem, some marital or children that have gone astray, even money can be a problem, after I hear others, I'll take mine.  It was a hard fight to be free of my past, to live only in the present and create a wonderful future......which I feel I have. Have a good day!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Happy 20th birthday many miles away, but next birthday you will only be weeks from being home to celebrate your birthday with us. No longer a teenager.  This picture of you with your two grandfathers at your farewell, this last year has certainly slipped by fast. Lots of people love you and miss you but are really proud of you.  Enjoy your adventure and believe the lives of each of us may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for his glory.  If you will only entrust him with your life.  If you try to regulate your own life, it could end up a mess, only the one who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end. These are things that prove God had a plan; eggs of potato bugs hatch in 7 days, canaries hatch in 14 days, barnyard hens chicks hatch in 21 days, ducks and geese hatch in 28 days and ostrich in 42 days.  All divisible by 7, the number of days in a week! AND, waves of the sea roll in on shore 26 to the minute in all kinds of weather.  Each watermellon has an even number of stripes on the rind.  Each orange has an even number of segments.  Each ear of corn has an even number of rows and every stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.  OH YES, he knows what he is doing.  Snowed again this morning!!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Sherrie and Darren with their three Eagle Scouts......Three out of three....a very good record.  Drove out to Vernal yesterday for Kennedy's Eagle award.  It was a full house of relatives.  The Cooks, Karrie was one of the main speakers Ken chose, Both grandpa's and grandpa Bud's girl friend.  Both grandmas and Uncle Todd, plus many friends, neighbors and church members.  Sherrie had prepared a Mexican dinner for us, she is a very dedicated mom.  Karrie's talk was about how special Eagles are, how strong, versatable and quiet rare.  How only 1 in 99 boys work hard enough and stick with it to get their Eagles, proving what great men can do.  Ken was enjoying every minute of his celebrity!Tomorrow is their oldest son's birthday.  Alex will be 20 years old , he is in Brazil and a year from next month (March} he will be home. Brayden will be off on his mission about three months after Alex gets home.  I am proud of those three grandsons......and their parents.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I love this picture of Kennedy with a pile of backpacks full of school supplies for the children in a little Mexican village out of Cancun.  This was Ken's big project to get his Eagle badge.  I was honored to be with him on this I will never forget.  Tonight I am going with the Cooks to Vernal to be there when Kennedy is presented wih his Eagle Scout Award.  He wanted his aunt Karrie to speak is the main reason we are going, hoping the roads will be good.  It has snowed the last three days between here and Vernal. Sherrie now has earned three eagles more or less.  Karrie has one down and one to go.  That seems to mean a lot on a resume later in life.  I am proud of my boys.  I will leave GIGI home to tend the house, times like this a doggie door and a fenced back yard are really nice.  Four more days and March will come flying in.  Where oh where does do the days go?????

Saturday, February 23, 2013


At the end of the're the only one who can tell yourself, "I CAN".  I love this picture where the more you look, the more people you see on your family tree that at first did not seem obvious.  I wonder how many people there are on my family tree I need to get to know......? On any tree there are some members that stand out more than others, but all are equally important. Today another face has been added to our family tree.  Leslie's grandson Kirk Ramsey, got married and soon that limb will be covered with little faces, making another family limb.  We have a good family and the tree is strong and so are the family limbs.  In September my granddaughter Nicci is getting married and I have a feeling her little brother is not far behind.  Will and Liz graduate from the U of U in the spring and then.......?  Anyway more limbs on our tree.
A Birth Certificate shows that we were born.....A Death Certificate shows that we died.....Pictures show that we have lived!  Snowed all day, so tired of hibernating, but got lots done.

Friday, February 22, 2013


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." Robert Frost
I was just thinking I am not in competition with anyone else. (maybe in the past, syblings, good friends, neighbors) but not now. I run my own race.  I have no desire to play the game of being better than everyone else around me, in any way, shape or form.  I just aim to improve, to become a better person than I was. That's me and I am free. In this picture I wonder what I was thinking?  I was at Tiff's wedding and perhaps thinking about my wedding 54 years before.......I try now to THINK before I speak:  THINK.....T- is it truthful?.   H - is it honest?   I - is it inspiring?  N - is it necessary?  K - is it kind?  If people could only learn to think before they speak, fewer people would get into hot water! And what is our weather like today????Yep, its snowing again with another storm forecast for tomorrow.  Guess this is a good day for laundry.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Twins.....almost 45 years later and they are still best friends.  They sometimes show up in similiar clothes, have bought the same things and say the same things.  We have had several family things lately and more than once a neighbor or church friend will go up and start talking to one of them not realizing there are two "just alike".......of course they are embarrassed, but the girls chuckle about it.  This little poem about BEST FRIENDS so reminds me of Sherrie and Karrie.  We're best friends, Where you go, I go.  When you cry, I cry.  When you laugh, I laugh.  When you fall down I pick you up......after I finish laughing! I have so seen them do this more than once.  Their children adore them equally and would gladly move in with either family.  I have seen some sad cases where twins become mortal enemies for some reason.  How sad, if you were lucky enough to have an identical twin you are a very lucky person......and if your are very lucky.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Happy Birthday JOAN.......she is missed, but not forgotten.  Jo died December 3, 1996 at age 51.  She bravely fought several bouts of cancer.  Being three years younger than I, we did many things together.  In school, a little sister can kinda sorta be a pain, but after we got out of school, we lived together and worked in Denver.  Then after we both became single we enjoyed going through NLP together and taking several fun vacations together.  She had a great condo in St George that I loved visiting. She had a good sense of humor and loved people.......and collected frogs! Thanks for all the pennies you leave around like you promised you would.  My grandkids even know when they find a penny on the school yard or in the neighborhood, or anywhere fun, aunt Jo is with us.
There are things we don't want to happen....but have to accept.
Things we don't want to know....but have to learn, and people we can't live without....but have to let go.
Snow forcast AGAIN to lunch and bridge......which will brighten my day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Our family has had many wonderful days like this one.  Days that we share and bond with each other sharing our love  .Alex was off in Brazil that day and now we will be missing Richie for a couple of summers.  I saw a sign that says "cousins become best friends at Grandma's house".....that would also be here at my condo swimming pool.  The last six grandkids learned to swim here. This was the August birthday party and Karrie took the picture.  Pam, Annie, Brayden and Richard all have August birthday within a week of each other.  Four of these people spent the weekend together at the Cooks and I was baby sitting was one big slumber party (throw in their four dogs), constant eating and games.  Scot told me...."we sure have a nice family, he is 11) I know our family is on the right track when the kids feel like the grandma does.
Treat people the way you want to be to people the way you want to be talked to.....Respect is earned, NOT given.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Cousins......I have a house full this weekend.  Tending the two Cook kids and and their two dogs and the two Christenson kids and their two dogs. Yesterday Scottie said to me.  "families are really good".  So good to hear a child say that and realize young how important a good family is to each of us.  The kids have so much fun together, everyone talking at once with their own ideas how something is or should be done. Annie has been busy with her social life, but hope to add her to our fun today.  THEN..there are the dogs. Marley and Izzy are very BIG dogs and Marley is an absolute baby that can push his way into everything.  Then their are Lillie and Macy.....Macy hates me and most people because she was absused so bad when she was little and doesn't trust people.  I also tended them last week.  Bray let Lillie wander one night and she peed in the front room and pooped behind the chair in my bedroom.  And one time I feel it is OK to say OH SHIT......grandkids or when you step in it barefooted. I locked them in the bathroom last night. And if that was not enough dogs...five...I had GIGI my dog, a neighbor dropped their dog off for the evening.  Jack is a year old chocolate lab and all over the place.  The other dogs were not too crazy about him....nor I. I know, my family has always been one of those "love me love my dog" kind of people, guess it is my fault.  Wonder what is ahead today?

Friday, February 15, 2013


What makes a moment special?  A quiet "I love you" from someone special or a "Wow, I heard from my missionary......we have many special minutes each day but just don't realize it.  You can plan and plan to make some moment special, but you never can guarante it will be.  When you have traveled the road I have in the past 80 years you can think of many special moments.  When I was young there was no penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, xerox, contact lenses, the pill.  No credit cards, ball-point pens.  No panty-hose, air conditioning, dishwashers. No gay rights, computer dating.  No FM radios, tape decks or cd's. No Pizza Huts, McDonalds, instant coffee.  We had five and dime stores,  Ice cream cones , phone calls and pepsi cost a nickel.  Stamps were 3 cents and gas 11 cents a gallon. I was in college when my folks got their first little black and white TV.  Each new discovery was a special moment to me. Had a fun brunch for Pat and LaVern and now off to baby sit the Cooks for the weekend,

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Oh the memories of days gone by when the race was to see who had the neatest valentine box and who got the most valentines.....probably my first inclinations boys were pretty neat!  "We are tested in life, some by being given a lot of money and some by not being given enough.  The point is to see how we handle it. This could be true when you are young and start counting your valentines, feeling the person with the most valentines was better than can either let it bother you.....or not! I determine that I will live my dreams. The path may take some twists and turns, but it has been leading me to my destiny.  It is the one I have longed for and looked forward to.  The one that will come true, becauses it's meant for me.  The Christensons and the Cooks each gave me a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day and my house smells sooooo good. Gigi had her shots today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


My sweet 17 year old granddaughter just dropped by to see me and we had a good visit about what is going on in her life......"Enjoy the little things in life...." I also got invited to go on an adventure with the Christensons to Oklahoma, they are scouting out a new boat.  Patty was coming over for darnit I couldn't go???? I am not sure how many adventures I still have left in me. I wrote a poem about it the other day.
"Travelin'"......Travel brochures, books and magazines......Dreams and thoughts of far away scenes.....You want to pack your bags and be on your way.....Well, maybe sometime, but not today.  I'll just rock and dream, it's no sin.....My trip to Walmart almost did me Bettie Ree (my writers name)
My advice is; Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT'S COLD!!!!!

Yes, that is my boy......A poem by Abigail E. McIntyre......
It's cold.....
The End
Brayden you need wings to fly..........and our weather all week is suppose to stay in the 20's and 30's.  Come on, spring is suppose to be just around the corner.  People my age are noticing many of the words we grew up with are disappearing!  Take the car for instance;  Do you know what a fender skirt, white walls, hub caps, curb feelers, or running boards are?  Do you ever hear "store bought"?  My favorite memory is .....I got my first "store bought" dress when I graduated from the 8th grade.  A pink gaberdine.....never a favorite....My mother always made my dresses and I loved all of them. Once wall to wall carpet meant you were rich, now they are tearing up the wall to wall carpet to put the wall to wall hard wood floors back in!  The word pregnant was never used when I grew up, it was in the family way, expecting or a visit from the stork?, no now bra.  Went to picture shows, now movies. Ate supper, now dinner, and so many many more. Oh for the good ole' days. The dermatalogist yesterday told Sherrie she had "fleas"... sand fleas, picked them up on the beach in the Bahamas....really a miserable rash!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

more snow ...continued

Belongs to blog above.........


Looks like Annie and Scott have run into a little trouble as they make the best of all our snow.  I guess he just ran her off the trail.......More snow last night and off and on today. Sherrie is coming in to stay alnight and go to the Dermitoligist in the morning so will be fun to have some company tonight. Got a busy week coming up, seem one week nothing and the next something every day, but that is good I guess.  Get to hear from Missionary #1 tomorrow, but don't know what Missionary #2's PDAY will be.  He wanted to do his own packing and when Karrie was cleaning his room after he left she found a drawer full of new garment.....whops!  She packed them up and mailed them to him in Provo.  Sometimes it takes a village to get a missionary on his way. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013


This IS MY FAMILY.........I had graduated by the time this picture was taken and home for a visit, the other four children were still home.  How loved I felt tucked under my Dad's arm and I knew I was loved by the whole bunch.  We didn't have much but love was all we needed to be happy. We did many things together and enjoyed my grandparents Goff who lived a block up the street. We lived in a small town where we knew everyone and were safe.  These are the things that molded me to go out into the real world and make good make them proud......This is what I see in the two missionaries my familys have sent out to be missionaries. These boys came from loving and supportive families that backed their decisions to serve their church. They will feel this support from all of us the whole time they are in the mission field.  My cousin tells me of the many missionaries they feed and love whose families never contact them the whole two years, no letters, emailing, packages. I know my cousin who joined the church because of my Mother's influence came from parents who were catholics and did not support him going on a mission, so he had to rely on the church and friends.  I am very proud of Jon Keller and now understand how hard it was for him.....or would have been without a strong testimony.   I just want to hug every missionary I see in town and tell them.....good job.

Friday, February 8, 2013

We all say our prayers......or not,..... but, I thought this one was worth a second thought.  You never know what is going to happen when you are asleep.  I also feel this thought has merrit. "If you don't enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?" and "No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone."  Every day presents its own set of problems........I was taught that coffee and tea are bad for you.  Both my parents were coffee drinkers.  Now I know a hundred years ago when Brigham Young set up this rule for the church not much was known or being studied about the effects of these products on the body......he just made up the rule.  I know there are also studies on smoking and liquior that show they are harmful to the body. So when I see an article like the following I question Brigham???  "Coffee is a brew with benefits, in addition to keeping us healthy (all those antioxidents), caffeine boots brainpower and happiness.  1.  Having a cup of coffee stimulates the part of the brain that processes positive words, which in turn may make you more optimistic. 2.  consumed with cream and sugar give you  more memory and attention span. (Tufts Univ. & Univ of Barcelona) 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ok ......this picture was to be with the last blog!

IN MY HEART.......

This is my first missionary ever.....I am so proud of him.  He has been in Brazil for 10 months and doing so good.  His mother just got some new pictures and my heart is with Elder Alex Chirstenson.  He will be 20 the end of this month and I just got his present and card ready to mail off.  I sent him money for Christmas to have a nice Christmas dinner......he had his first cheese burger since in had left home in April???Come on elder go for it!! He writes about such wonderful experiences, tests and problems he faces every day, none that he would have living safely and securely at home.  Growing every day, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and adjusting to people he would probably not choose at home. Learning a new language and realizing things around the world are much different than Vernal, Utah.......not good or bad.....just are. I know he and his cousin......going to Mexico...... that went into the MTC yesterday will some day have lots of fun comparing notes on their missions and the wonderful things they learned in two years.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BIG DAY.......

Well, number two missionary is entering the MTC in Provo today for six weeks and then off to Mexico for two years.  He was set apart last night and that made it real.  It seems the girls start getting the boys ready for their missions months before they are even called.  Wisdom teeth out, dozens of shots and health exams.  Buying clothes, bedding, luggage and everything they will need for two years away from home. His aunt Julie's family and I were his audience.  Annie his little sister was taking it pretty hard, I thought she would be jumping up and down as she now inherits his cell phone, the car and his new skis......but there were many tears last night.  She and Richie are 16 months apart and very close.  Little Scottie was holding it all together passing out Kleenex to everyone. Rich is a wonderful boy and will make a super missionary, his grandmother is very proud of him.  The presiding official of the stake says he has 101 missionaries leaving this month and two coming home. WOW. Be safe Richie and Te Amo..........

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

ONE MORE DAY...... one more day soon.... this will just be a fun memory to this cute guy.  Tonight Richie is being set-aside tonight and tomorrow he enters the MTC.  Last night it was the Speghetti Factory for our "Last Supper' and tonight he gets set apart.  Oh, to be 19, get to spend two years in Mexico and learn a foreign language.  Guess I am about 60 years too late for that thought! But the experience will direct his life forever.
"To experience the experience you have to experience the experience!"
You can never say to someone "I know just how you feel".....No, you don't.  You may have had an experience like it, but you never had "their" experience.  You may have lost a loved one, been in a terrible accident, lost everything you had in a fire, flood or storm, as many people have, but your experience WILL BE different in how you react to it.  It is good to share your feelings which lets someone know others have endured sad, bad, scary situations also and survived.
"I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become."

Sunday, February 3, 2013


She is so special........I look and feel like that every day, but don't get any messages pushing me on! Maybe I need some bunny slippers????? Yesterday was Ground Hog day and Punxsutawney Phil did not see his showdow .......thus an early spring and boy am I ready for that!  It was in the 40's today and a pleasant day.
Todays quote....."The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now out-numbered by those who vote for a living." Anon  You know I am not kidding.
We must discover the true meaning of life and know that potential exists in every moment we live----for anyone and that once the soul is connected to this realm of possibity, faith and hope, what flows is the feeling of happiness, joy,peace and gratitude accepting all is well in this world.
All my friends and family are glued to the TV today watching the SUPER BOWL....I forgot it was even on and no one invited me to a super bowl party????  Maybe that means I'm not so hot!  Oh well, I am sure the best team will win! It is nice to be home and in my own little bed again.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Love this family.....both ended up with an "unexpected life" after many years of settling in with their first families......Mike's wife left him, Andrea's husband is in prison because of a Ponzie scheme he ran.  Each was starting over with four children when they found each other.  Starting over isn't easy I know because it happened to me after 30 years of marriage. I took my unexpected life, finished raising my girls, had weddings, and ended up with 9 grandchildren.  I volunteered, went back to college, learned Spanish and traveled around the world ......I chose to have a very good life and had the support of my family and friends. Andrea did the same and is my hero in how she has grown and raised her kids.  She has taken the bad that happened in her life and is passing it on to women and men who have been cast into her situation, a real inspiration to me and many others.  Mike is lucky to have a great person in his life like her. Seems no matter what Mike does he cannot make his X or children happy, and the X has tried everything to ruin the marriage........her ultimate goal in life! Three of the children are like her.  I am praying Mike sees through her schemes and it only makes his present marriage stronger.......because after what Andrea has been through she won't take much more.  MEN DON'T SEEM TO REALIZE......IT'S NOT THAT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM.....IT IS JUST THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO....OR NOT. My prayers are with them.