Monday, June 4, 2012


I know some people don't do Mondays, but personally I like them.....I don't do weekends, they are the longest and loneliest when you are alone.  Went in to the doctors today to see why my arm aches so bad and has for so long.  Two different doctors suggested physical therapy to strengthen the muscles, sooooo I guess I begin therapy for a few weeks Thursday. One thing after another in old age, but yes, I'm a Senior Citizen.......and we are constantly blamed for all that is wrong in the world and yes, we are responsible for some of it and we accept the blame ....BUT it was not the seniors who took: The melody out of music.  The pride out of appearance.  The courtesy out of driving.  The romance out of love.  The responsibility out of parenthood.  The commitment out of marriage. The togetherness out of family.  The learning out of education.  The service out of patriotism.  The Nativity scenes out of cities.  The civility out of behavior.  The refinement out of language.  The dedication out of employment.  The ambition out of achievement and God out of government and school.  Yes, I am a senior citizen....I am the life of the party.....even if it lasts until 8:oo.  Tomorrow my fifth grandchild, Richard Benjamine graduates from High School!

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