Saturday, June 9, 2012


Graduation time.......The other night as I watched my number five grandchild graduate from high school the thought came to me.  As I sat and viewed the 400 plus great boys and girls decked out in their caps and gowns and sitting shoulder to shoulder in the straight rows of folding chairs I wondered if they realized they were all dressed alike in a uniform of one size fits all......girls in blue, boys in gold, the school colors.  In these gowns you did not wonder about some of them being tall, some short, some fat, some skinny, some black, some white, some yellow or red, white and blue, they were just happy kids coming together to celebrate a big accomplishment.No one was special, the prom queen, the football captain, the cheer-leader or the droopy pants and shaggy haired kid down the street, they were dressed alike and the certificate they all received were all alike, except the name on them.  (EVERYONE IS JUST A DIFFERENT VERSION OF YOU!) and especially at this time.  Too bad, this can't carry on after the robes are off and they walk out of the building.  At this time in your life you are free to dream your dreams, pursue your interests, move forward and upward through the years ahead.....OR NOT!  This is the real beginning of your life and God made no one of you anymore special than the person next to you, in front of you or in back of you.  Now is the time to CHOOSE THE know CTR.

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