Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Happy Birthday to my first grandchild, Tiffany Marie Pannier/Hortin.  Has it really been 30 years?  You were such a precious child, so fun to tend and so cute to show off.  I was proud of your swimming and graduating from college.  It was such a special time of bonding when you lived in my basement for 5 1/2 years.  We shared a lot of special times I will always remember.  I got included in all the plans while you were getting things ready for your wedding to Scott.  I have you to thank......and to blame.....for the many hours I spend enjoying my computer, until you moved in the computer was a foreign object to me, now I email, blog, on face book, Pinterest and can surf when I want to learn something new.  You also took the time to teach me to text on my cell phone.....yes!  You brought your Gram out of the dark ages.  I love you more than you will ever know .

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Thanks Gram! I love you and I miss our computer marathons in the kitchen (along with our mystery shows). Love you and I can't wait for this weekend!!