Thursday, June 28, 2012


"Out of small and simple things, great things are brought to pass!"
"Laughter lightens our load on the journey through life, bonds us to others and deepens us as human beings.  To be able to laugh at ourselves in all our frality is a blessing, ensuring we do not become bitter and twisted."  The people I most enjoy being with are the ones that can make me laugh. My good friend Patty and my son-in-law Rob are perfect examples of people that can make me laugh. It is so important to laugh every day, I so enjoy the crazy emails I get that give me a good laugh......especially as you grow older have more aches and pains and are alone a lot of the time, never lose your sense of humor and the will to laugh.  There have way to many funerals of dear friends the past months.  I try to pick something good out of each day I am of the kids come by or call, my dog snuggles, a phone call from someone I have not heard from in awhile, watch my humming birds fight over the feeder or enjoy my flowers.  I know being 80 is a privilege denied to many.....and I am not taking it for granite.  I can finish up my packing today and go to physical therapy and tomorrow we fly off to Seattle for a couple of nights before we board our Princess Cruise for a week to see Alaska. I AM SMIL'IN.

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