Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today is P-Day for my missionary.  He has one more P-Day in the MTC and then we move on to the next chapter for him.  His knowledge of Portugeese seems to be evolving. I tried to learn Spanish and know how confusing it can be.  I then understood why it is tough to learn English. We say things one way but then turn them around for another meaning.  For instance you fill IN a form by filling it OUT......A house burns DOWN as it burns UP......We park on Drive Ways and drive on PARKWAYS.....We have noses that run and feet that smell? How many times have you heard the saying, "working like a dog?"   Have you ever had a dog that did a scrap of work?  Another one I love...."sleeping like a baby"  If the whole human race slept like MY twins did (or should I say didn't) we would all be bleary-eyed zombies.  My first baby was not so bad.    How can a slim chance and fat chance be the same.....while a wise man and a wise guy are completely opposite?  How can overlook and oversee be opposite.  Oh well, I still love our English language for all its lunacy.  I am glad for the opportunities it provides to express, describe, and communicate......and I think I will stick to it.  

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