Sunday, June 10, 2012


"It's the unexpected life, full of adventures you never dreamed of but that add to the rich tapestry of your experiences, as you weave a life story like no one else."
"You can break down a woman temporarily, but a real woman will pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever."
This I know this is true because I have been there, done that!  A divorce after 30 years of marriage left me "a broken woman".....but I refused to let any man ruin my life.  Consequently,  I picked up the pieces, finished raising my last two children, got them through college and married and traveled around the world!  I am a much stronger and better person than I was before.....thank you. What I have learned and had to learn after he walked out would fill many books.  Taking out a mortgage, selling and buying cars, investing my share of the settlement for my old age, getting income tax done, being responsible for bills and balancing your check book. It has been a great learning experience and made me more confident, responsible and capable person, which isn't bad. I love learning and seeing new things which has definitely added to the rich tapestry of my life.  It is a beautiful Sunday morning and I am thankful for it.

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