Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Someday my great-great or perhaps my great-great-great grandchildren may be doing geneology and wonder about Leslie's children and their children.  I put Kevin and Kristi and their families in my journal and want to add Mike and his family.  The picture was taken at Mike's oldest son Chase's wedding, with his new wife Vanessa.  the children on the right are Andrea's children.....Alex Merriman {on a mission in Spain}, Sarah 16, Matt about 11 and Jake 5.  Then Chelsey, holding her baby, Carli and Cade. Mike has long hair because he was in a play.  Dukane is not married, Leslies fourth child.  Andrea, Mike's wife is an amazing person who has shown the world you can go from being a millionair to wondering if you will be able to feed your four children, when her husband (who is in prison now), confessed to running a Ponzie scheme in Colorado and left her destitute.  A wonderful example to all, when your life falls apart, pick up a piece and start over and make it better.
My sweet Cooks came over to help me get ready for my cruise on Friday, ended up deciding I need new steps on my patio.  They are so patient.  Rich weighed my suitcase and I still have 8 pounds to go.

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