Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A couple of generations from now when my great-great or possibly my great-great-great grandchildren wonder who was Mike Ramsey and who were his kids we sometimes refer to.....this may help their geneology charts.  I put in Kristi and Kevin and their familys and children and the above is Mike's family.  Mike has long hair because of a play he is in and the picture is taken at his oldest son's wedding to Vanessa.  The four children on the right are Andrea's children and their names are Merriman.......Alex now on a mission in Spain, Sarah is 16, Matt 11 (i think) and Jake 6.
Mike's kids are Chelsey the oldest with her baby, Chase, Carli and Cade.
Mike's wife, Andrea is one of the neatest people I have ever met,  After 20 years of marriage herX- husband is in jail for a Ponszie scheme in Colorado. She picked up the pieces and has moved.  She is my hero.

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