Thursday, June 14, 2012


I believe in this saying......."Yes, with God all things are possible."  I know, I've been there done that.  But now I am working on getting more charisma??? What does it mean to have charisma?  It seems there are three components, 1. "presence", that is making everyone you meet special.  ."power", you don't have to have a title or be famous but you are confident.  3.  "warmth"  the ability to express goodwill and empathy.  You are not born with charisma, and you can develop it as you mature and become more confident in your life.  To boost your present charisma keep a relatively still body language.  Excessive nodding or fidgeting can make you appear impatient, insecure, or nervous.  Also very important, when someone asks you a question, wait one or two seconds before answering.  Charisma is not just about others' perception of's about how you make them feel about themselves.  That brief pause makes the other person feel that their question was so weighty, so smart, that you need to gather your thoughts before you respond.  How easy is that?  I keep telling myself, Betty learn something new every day and become a better you.  Sherrie is coming in for the night as her boys are in Lake Powell with the scouts....Off to therapy for my shoulder, then out to dinner with Sherrie, Karrie (whose husband is out of town) and Scottie....Good day.

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