Monday, June 11, 2012


If forever isn't forever........ then what is forever for? It takes a lot of NOWS to make FOREVER!  This is my grandma and grandpa Goff (Jim and Lillie), they lived a block up the street.  What a lucky person when they have wonderful grandparents close by for a soft place to fall when you feel you have to run away from home, you don't have very far to run......(and your parents always know where to find you?)  They never changed, grandma always wore a dress.....that covered her elbows.....long cotton sox's and practical black shoes.  She wore her hair pulled back in a bun and faithfully brushed it every night.  She always carried a handkerchief tucked down in her neck somewhere???  She was always round and soft to snuggle.  Grandpa always looked the same with his suspenders and a watch on a gold chain.  Grandma was a wonderful cook, and canned everything she could get her hands on.  There were no  big super markets in my day, so you baked your bread, milked a cow, so you would have milk and butter and had a big garden.  There were always cookies in the pantry in a big cookie jar.  The Goffs were my mother's parents, I never knew my grandparents Yeomans.

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