Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have always loved trees......I grew up in the mountains where timber for the Diamond Match Co. was a major industry.  Trees and mountains covered by them were every where.  When I was in NLP we were instructed and told to take off our shoes and hug a tree, to feel the real energy of the earth as it came through our body and also feed the trees.  As I traveled the world I hugged many trees and made friends with them. I 'm sure I was a pest to my travel partner.....take my picture with this tree.......Advice From A Tree:
1.  Stand tall and Proud.......I love people who stand tall and proud and always try to myself.  Back straight, shoulders back and chin up.  Feel proud.
2.  Go Our On A Limb.....I am afraid I am one to stay in my comfort zone and not step out, but when I did or was forced to I loved the adventure it led me to.
3.  Remember your Roots......It is the strong roots of the tree that keeps it growing and reaching for the sky. It is our strong roots to our families that keep us growing and reaching for an eternal life in the Sky.
4,  Be Content With Your Natural Beauty......We were all created the same......but different. Don't waste your life worrying about you size, color, etc. just be glad you are who you are.
5.Enjoy the View.....Jump in and find something good about your life everyday.  Quiet weekend!

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