Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Another trip to the physical therapist.......she says my rotary cuff is getting much stronger and not worried about maybe being torn.  It feels much better, not a constant ache any more. Really interesting how the body steps up and faces each new set of exercises and seems to conquer them and just move on.  I think I will be in good shape for the cruise next week.
Kennedy and I are off to see Madagascar 3 in an hour.  I got a sweet email from my missionary.  Next week he leaves the MTC and the real missionary work begins.  Today he seemed anxious to get on with it and said he could get back to me in 22 months.....yep, hes counting!
Nicci got home last night for her Grandpa Bud's funeral Friday.  I am anxious to see her.  Sad,sad, sad to be losing so many old friends, thank goodness for memories.  I just wonder who will be next?
Have a ton of things to get done before the cruise next week, hair, nails, pack, get prescriptions, dog food ready, remind someone to water the plants and take in the mail, tell my neighbor dates to pick up my paper, wash, iron and hunt a few things!!!! It takes so much to get ready for a vacation, your exhausted.
No, old age ain't for sissies!

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