Friday, June 8, 2012

Graduation Day!

We sat through Commencement, wow what an experience.  Can you imagine 400 students making their own Commencement while speakers and principal spoke to the wind.

Let me just say, we watched Beach Ball games, live mice, duck calls, random chants and cheers.  And Oh Yes, bubbles from what must have been a machine.  Even the front row parents got involved with sending Beach Balls into the Student Body.  The vice principal was chasing everything.

Richard B. was very respectful and only participated when necessary.  Rich B was on the last row and we stayed to the end.  It was all worth it as he graduated with Honors.

Here is Rich and Andrea.  What a great day.

But these two are some of my very favorite.

That's me with that handsome young grandson.  That makes eight graduations.

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