Saturday, June 23, 2012


Now days there is so much talk about DNA.....they take your DNA to find out who is related to who, which family lines you come from etc.  Well, that would not be necessary in my family of girls......just check out their closets and count their pairs of shoes!  They come by it naturally because as the sign above takes us all in.  My three daughters Pam, Sherrie and Karrie and my three granddaughters Tiffany, Nicole and Andrea have inherited my love of shoes naturally. I know, I know it is probably called hoarding and any of the men in our family would make the argument "why do you need another pair of shoes, you can only wear one pair at a time"?  Men just don't understand......I have often questions why I have this great love of pretty shoes and I blame it on my childhood.  When I was young there was a war going on and we got ration books with coupons in them for one pair of shoes per family member every six months!  Now days who would believe that?  I usually got a pair of saddle shoes or loafer, which were everyday and polished for dress up.  That was it.....period.  When I  got older and could buy what I wanted I made up for those years and taught my girls to love shoes.

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