Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today was  a great day in any grandmother's life.......another grandchild  graduated from high school.  Richard Benjamine, my fifth grandchild walked across the stage and received his high school diploma.  We went an hour early so they could take pictures in this terrible wind storm.  Then the program lasted two hours as the poor speakers fought the competition of a beach ball game in the graduating class not to mention someone let of few live mice out in the group.  I have sat through and been very proud through two graduations for Tiffany, three graduations for Nicci, one for William, and one for Alex and never saw live mice before......keep livin' grandma, things only get better!  I love Rich and he is very good to his grandmother.  I think he is gorgeous and has a very layed back personality.  I love this poem he wrote in Junior High.  BULLING By Rich Cook
They say, "You're o.k. Just turn and walk away."  I'm o.k? Just turn and walk away? Older kids say, "Your sevies aren't o.k.!"  I think I'm o.k.  Just turn and walk away......Older kids give me nuggies and say, "You don't belong here any way!!" I know that I'm o.k..  Just turn and walk away......The Bullies self esteem is low, to get it high they hit below. I'm o.k. Just turn and walk away........Bullies are mean to feel power, To stop them, don't cower!  Say, "I"m o.k."  Just turn and walk away......Don't just stand and watch it, Help the victim stop it.  Then, they'll be o.k.  Just turn and walk away.........Now that you know what to do, You can be happy too.  Be o.k. Just turn and Walk Away!......He got several awards, is a great LaCross player and foot ball player. Off to the U in the fall, and after Christmas an LDS mission.  Back packed through Europe with his father and spent two weeks in the Phillipines volunteering with kids.  The following picture;

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