Friday, June 29, 2012


Well, that  is not going to happen to me! I am flying off to Seattle tonight and my cruise doesn't leave until Sunday, I want to be ready when it sales.
He who lives see......But, he who travels sees more.  You either like it or you do not.....but I guess my gypsie blood runs deep.  This cruise will make my fourth cruise plus a week in Mexico in one year.  I keep telling myself Betty, your 80, you need to slow down, but I have done and seen so much this year I can't imagine missing out on....sooooo, I'm off to Seattle, a Boston Baseball game and a cruise to Alaska today.
Remember this.....enjoy every single moment.  The good, the bad, he beautiful, the ugly, the inspiring, the not so glamorous moments and thank God through it all.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


"Out of small and simple things, great things are brought to pass!"
"Laughter lightens our load on the journey through life, bonds us to others and deepens us as human beings.  To be able to laugh at ourselves in all our frality is a blessing, ensuring we do not become bitter and twisted."  The people I most enjoy being with are the ones that can make me laugh. My good friend Patty and my son-in-law Rob are perfect examples of people that can make me laugh. It is so important to laugh every day, I so enjoy the crazy emails I get that give me a good laugh......especially as you grow older have more aches and pains and are alone a lot of the time, never lose your sense of humor and the will to laugh.  There have way to many funerals of dear friends the past months.  I try to pick something good out of each day I am of the kids come by or call, my dog snuggles, a phone call from someone I have not heard from in awhile, watch my humming birds fight over the feeder or enjoy my flowers.  I know being 80 is a privilege denied to many.....and I am not taking it for granite.  I can finish up my packing today and go to physical therapy and tomorrow we fly off to Seattle for a couple of nights before we board our Princess Cruise for a week to see Alaska. I AM SMIL'IN.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Someday my great-great or perhaps my great-great-great grandchildren may be doing geneology and wonder about Leslie's children and their children.  I put Kevin and Kristi and their families in my journal and want to add Mike and his family.  The picture was taken at Mike's oldest son Chase's wedding, with his new wife Vanessa.  the children on the right are Andrea's children.....Alex Merriman {on a mission in Spain}, Sarah 16, Matt about 11 and Jake 5.  Then Chelsey, holding her baby, Carli and Cade. Mike has long hair because he was in a play.  Dukane is not married, Leslies fourth child.  Andrea, Mike's wife is an amazing person who has shown the world you can go from being a millionair to wondering if you will be able to feed your four children, when her husband (who is in prison now), confessed to running a Ponzie scheme in Colorado and left her destitute.  A wonderful example to all, when your life falls apart, pick up a piece and start over and make it better.
My sweet Cooks came over to help me get ready for my cruise on Friday, ended up deciding I need new steps on my patio.  They are so patient.  Rich weighed my suitcase and I still have 8 pounds to go.


A couple of generations from now when my great-great or possibly my great-great-great grandchildren wonder who was Mike Ramsey and who were his kids we sometimes refer to.....this may help their geneology charts.  I put in Kristi and Kevin and their familys and children and the above is Mike's family.  Mike has long hair because of a play he is in and the picture is taken at his oldest son's wedding to Vanessa.  The four children on the right are Andrea's children and their names are Merriman.......Alex now on a mission in Spain, Sarah is 16, Matt 11 (i think) and Jake 6.
Mike's kids are Chelsey the oldest with her baby, Chase, Carli and Cade.
Mike's wife, Andrea is one of the neatest people I have ever met,  After 20 years of marriage herX- husband is in jail for a Ponszie scheme in Colorado. She picked up the pieces and has moved.  She is my hero.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Everyone needs someone to look up to, to model their lives after.  When we are young it is probably our parents, then maybe a teacher or a coach, or simply a neighbor next door. Some children grow up with no one to model or encourage them to be the best they can be. I was one of the lucky ones with wonderful parents, grandparents, friends and teachers.  I think as you wander through the years you always find new and wonderful people to keep teaching you and I put Majorie Hinckley on my list."SIMPLIFYING OUR LIVES.....BE CONTENT WITH WHAT WE ARE."  Sometimes it takes many years for us to learn that simple rule, but when we do it makes our lives so much more fulfilling.
"out of small and simple things, great thing are brought to pass."  Busy packing and have physical therapy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have always loved trees......I grew up in the mountains where timber for the Diamond Match Co. was a major industry.  Trees and mountains covered by them were every where.  When I was in NLP we were instructed and told to take off our shoes and hug a tree, to feel the real energy of the earth as it came through our body and also feed the trees.  As I traveled the world I hugged many trees and made friends with them. I 'm sure I was a pest to my travel partner.....take my picture with this tree.......Advice From A Tree:
1.  Stand tall and Proud.......I love people who stand tall and proud and always try to myself.  Back straight, shoulders back and chin up.  Feel proud.
2.  Go Our On A Limb.....I am afraid I am one to stay in my comfort zone and not step out, but when I did or was forced to I loved the adventure it led me to.
3.  Remember your Roots......It is the strong roots of the tree that keeps it growing and reaching for the sky. It is our strong roots to our families that keep us growing and reaching for an eternal life in the Sky.
4,  Be Content With Your Natural Beauty......We were all created the same......but different. Don't waste your life worrying about you size, color, etc. just be glad you are who you are.
5.Enjoy the View.....Jump in and find something good about your life everyday.  Quiet weekend!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Now days there is so much talk about DNA.....they take your DNA to find out who is related to who, which family lines you come from etc.  Well, that would not be necessary in my family of girls......just check out their closets and count their pairs of shoes!  They come by it naturally because as the sign above takes us all in.  My three daughters Pam, Sherrie and Karrie and my three granddaughters Tiffany, Nicole and Andrea have inherited my love of shoes naturally. I know, I know it is probably called hoarding and any of the men in our family would make the argument "why do you need another pair of shoes, you can only wear one pair at a time"?  Men just don't understand......I have often questions why I have this great love of pretty shoes and I blame it on my childhood.  When I was young there was a war going on and we got ration books with coupons in them for one pair of shoes per family member every six months!  Now days who would believe that?  I usually got a pair of saddle shoes or loafer, which were everyday and polished for dress up.  That was it.....period.  When I  got older and could buy what I wanted I made up for those years and taught my girls to love shoes.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was a nice day, but a sad day, especially for my Pannier family.  We buried Rob's dad Bud and now both parents are gone.  I remember how sad I was when both of mine were gone.  Pam still has two parents so her children still have a grandma and grandpa.  It was a nice service with a good friend and a grandson speaking and the Sigma Chi White Rose Ceremony.  It only had one musical selection, 'Edelweiss" short and sweet.  After internment they hosted a wonderful lunch at the Salt Lake City Country Club.My family had a lot of fun with Bud's family, and shared grandchildren.  Tiff was in Jacksonville, Florida on a Soriety assignment. My sister Leslie was up from Winslow to go to her grandson's temple marriage and was able to go with us.  It was a good chance for her to see my kids and their spouses.  It was a long and busy week and now I have to get serious about packing and getting ready to cruise a week from today.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Another trip to the physical therapist.......she says my rotary cuff is getting much stronger and not worried about maybe being torn.  It feels much better, not a constant ache any more. Really interesting how the body steps up and faces each new set of exercises and seems to conquer them and just move on.  I think I will be in good shape for the cruise next week.
Kennedy and I are off to see Madagascar 3 in an hour.  I got a sweet email from my missionary.  Next week he leaves the MTC and the real missionary work begins.  Today he seemed anxious to get on with it and said he could get back to me in 22 months.....yep, hes counting!
Nicci got home last night for her Grandpa Bud's funeral Friday.  I am anxious to see her.  Sad,sad, sad to be losing so many old friends, thank goodness for memories.  I just wonder who will be next?
Have a ton of things to get done before the cruise next week, hair, nails, pack, get prescriptions, dog food ready, remind someone to water the plants and take in the mail, tell my neighbor dates to pick up my paper, wash, iron and hunt a few things!!!! It takes so much to get ready for a vacation, your exhausted.
No, old age ain't for sissies!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Happy Birthday to my first grandchild, Tiffany Marie Pannier/Hortin.  Has it really been 30 years?  You were such a precious child, so fun to tend and so cute to show off.  I was proud of your swimming and graduating from college.  It was such a special time of bonding when you lived in my basement for 5 1/2 years.  We shared a lot of special times I will always remember.  I got included in all the plans while you were getting things ready for your wedding to Scott.  I have you to thank......and to blame.....for the many hours I spend enjoying my computer, until you moved in the computer was a foreign object to me, now I email, blog, on face book, Pinterest and can surf when I want to learn something new.  You also took the time to teach me to text on my cell phone.....yes!  You brought your Gram out of the dark ages.  I love you more than you will ever know .

Sunday, June 17, 2012


My children may not have lucked out in the loyal, patient, honest, caring, showing and always there for you department when it came to a father, but they are lucky because they had one grandfather that loved  them very much and was so proud of them.  When he moved to St. George he loved it when the girls and  and I would pay him a visit.  Through the months or weeks between our visits he would save his change in a coffee can under the sink and when his twins arrived he would bring it out pour it on the table and let them count it and divide it up.......then off shopping we would go.  They loved him and will always remember our good times together.  Thank you Dad


My letter to my Dad on Fathers Day;
Dear Dad;
I hope I told you and showed you in the 75 years you much I loved you and thank you for being my dad.  You were tall, dark and handsome and I adored you.  You were honest, patient and I always knew you loved me and were proud of me.  You were a good father to all five of us and never showed any favorites.  I remember how happy your were when Jim was born, you had lived in a harem of girls, Mom and four daughters for a long time.  I have felt like a failure because I didn't choose someone who would be the same kind of father for my 3 girls.  You and mom made me the person I am today with your love and good examples.  I thank you and love you still very much.  Betty Ree

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Today is Sherrie and Darren's 22nd wedding anniversary.  They are a busy couple with three sons, two dogs, a cat and lots of horses.  They are a very busy couple and always on the go.  They have a big house in Vernal, a house boat on Lake Powell, and a cabin in Park City, with an airplane to get them in between.  They work hard and they play hard.....I am very proud of them.  Darren is in the Bishoprick and Sherrie president of Young Womens.  They are very good to me and I hope they have many more happy anniversaries.  The black beauty is Sherrie's pride and joy!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I believe in this saying......."Yes, with God all things are possible."  I know, I've been there done that.  But now I am working on getting more charisma??? What does it mean to have charisma?  It seems there are three components, 1. "presence", that is making everyone you meet special.  ."power", you don't have to have a title or be famous but you are confident.  3.  "warmth"  the ability to express goodwill and empathy.  You are not born with charisma, and you can develop it as you mature and become more confident in your life.  To boost your present charisma keep a relatively still body language.  Excessive nodding or fidgeting can make you appear impatient, insecure, or nervous.  Also very important, when someone asks you a question, wait one or two seconds before answering.  Charisma is not just about others' perception of's about how you make them feel about themselves.  That brief pause makes the other person feel that their question was so weighty, so smart, that you need to gather your thoughts before you respond.  How easy is that?  I keep telling myself, Betty learn something new every day and become a better you.  Sherrie is coming in for the night as her boys are in Lake Powell with the scouts....Off to therapy for my shoulder, then out to dinner with Sherrie, Karrie (whose husband is out of town) and Scottie....Good day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This is Kevin and Tami Ramsey.  Kevin is my nephew.  His mother is my sister Leslie.  They live in Winslow AZ and he works for the railroad like his mother did.

This is Tami and their oldest daughter Tesa, who is married to Zack and lives in Phoenix.

This is Tamry their youngest daughter .....she is still in Highschool.
They have a son Kirk in the middle, who has been on a mission and is running a company in AZ.   Some day this will help you fill in who, what and where of some of your relatives...


Today is P-Day for my missionary.  He has one more P-Day in the MTC and then we move on to the next chapter for him.  His knowledge of Portugeese seems to be evolving. I tried to learn Spanish and know how confusing it can be.  I then understood why it is tough to learn English. We say things one way but then turn them around for another meaning.  For instance you fill IN a form by filling it OUT......A house burns DOWN as it burns UP......We park on Drive Ways and drive on PARKWAYS.....We have noses that run and feet that smell? How many times have you heard the saying, "working like a dog?"   Have you ever had a dog that did a scrap of work?  Another one I love...."sleeping like a baby"  If the whole human race slept like MY twins did (or should I say didn't) we would all be bleary-eyed zombies.  My first baby was not so bad.    How can a slim chance and fat chance be the same.....while a wise man and a wise guy are completely opposite?  How can overlook and oversee be opposite.  Oh well, I still love our English language for all its lunacy.  I am glad for the opportunities it provides to express, describe, and communicate......and I think I will stick to it.  

Monday, June 11, 2012


If forever isn't forever........ then what is forever for? It takes a lot of NOWS to make FOREVER!  This is my grandma and grandpa Goff (Jim and Lillie), they lived a block up the street.  What a lucky person when they have wonderful grandparents close by for a soft place to fall when you feel you have to run away from home, you don't have very far to run......(and your parents always know where to find you?)  They never changed, grandma always wore a dress.....that covered her elbows.....long cotton sox's and practical black shoes.  She wore her hair pulled back in a bun and faithfully brushed it every night.  She always carried a handkerchief tucked down in her neck somewhere???  She was always round and soft to snuggle.  Grandpa always looked the same with his suspenders and a watch on a gold chain.  Grandma was a wonderful cook, and canned everything she could get her hands on.  There were no  big super markets in my day, so you baked your bread, milked a cow, so you would have milk and butter and had a big garden.  There were always cookies in the pantry in a big cookie jar.  The Goffs were my mother's parents, I never knew my grandparents Yeomans.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


"It's the unexpected life, full of adventures you never dreamed of but that add to the rich tapestry of your experiences, as you weave a life story like no one else."
"You can break down a woman temporarily, but a real woman will pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever."
This I know this is true because I have been there, done that!  A divorce after 30 years of marriage left me "a broken woman".....but I refused to let any man ruin my life.  Consequently,  I picked up the pieces, finished raising my last two children, got them through college and married and traveled around the world!  I am a much stronger and better person than I was before.....thank you. What I have learned and had to learn after he walked out would fill many books.  Taking out a mortgage, selling and buying cars, investing my share of the settlement for my old age, getting income tax done, being responsible for bills and balancing your check book. It has been a great learning experience and made me more confident, responsible and capable person, which isn't bad. I love learning and seeing new things which has definitely added to the rich tapestry of my life.  It is a beautiful Sunday morning and I am thankful for it.

Saturday, June 9, 2012




Graduation time.......The other night as I watched my number five grandchild graduate from high school the thought came to me.  As I sat and viewed the 400 plus great boys and girls decked out in their caps and gowns and sitting shoulder to shoulder in the straight rows of folding chairs I wondered if they realized they were all dressed alike in a uniform of one size fits all......girls in blue, boys in gold, the school colors.  In these gowns you did not wonder about some of them being tall, some short, some fat, some skinny, some black, some white, some yellow or red, white and blue, they were just happy kids coming together to celebrate a big accomplishment.No one was special, the prom queen, the football captain, the cheer-leader or the droopy pants and shaggy haired kid down the street, they were dressed alike and the certificate they all received were all alike, except the name on them.  (EVERYONE IS JUST A DIFFERENT VERSION OF YOU!) and especially at this time.  Too bad, this can't carry on after the robes are off and they walk out of the building.  At this time in your life you are free to dream your dreams, pursue your interests, move forward and upward through the years ahead.....OR NOT!  This is the real beginning of your life and God made no one of you anymore special than the person next to you, in front of you or in back of you.  Now is the time to CHOOSE THE know CTR.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Graduation Day!

We sat through Commencement, wow what an experience.  Can you imagine 400 students making their own Commencement while speakers and principal spoke to the wind.

Let me just say, we watched Beach Ball games, live mice, duck calls, random chants and cheers.  And Oh Yes, bubbles from what must have been a machine.  Even the front row parents got involved with sending Beach Balls into the Student Body.  The vice principal was chasing everything.

Richard B. was very respectful and only participated when necessary.  Rich B was on the last row and we stayed to the end.  It was all worth it as he graduated with Honors.

Here is Rich and Andrea.  What a great day.

But these two are some of my very favorite.

That's me with that handsome young grandson.  That makes eight graduations.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today was  a great day in any grandmother's life.......another grandchild  graduated from high school.  Richard Benjamine, my fifth grandchild walked across the stage and received his high school diploma.  We went an hour early so they could take pictures in this terrible wind storm.  Then the program lasted two hours as the poor speakers fought the competition of a beach ball game in the graduating class not to mention someone let of few live mice out in the group.  I have sat through and been very proud through two graduations for Tiffany, three graduations for Nicci, one for William, and one for Alex and never saw live mice before......keep livin' grandma, things only get better!  I love Rich and he is very good to his grandmother.  I think he is gorgeous and has a very layed back personality.  I love this poem he wrote in Junior High.  BULLING By Rich Cook
They say, "You're o.k. Just turn and walk away."  I'm o.k? Just turn and walk away? Older kids say, "Your sevies aren't o.k.!"  I think I'm o.k.  Just turn and walk away......Older kids give me nuggies and say, "You don't belong here any way!!" I know that I'm o.k..  Just turn and walk away......The Bullies self esteem is low, to get it high they hit below. I'm o.k. Just turn and walk away........Bullies are mean to feel power, To stop them, don't cower!  Say, "I"m o.k."  Just turn and walk away......Don't just stand and watch it, Help the victim stop it.  Then, they'll be o.k.  Just turn and walk away.........Now that you know what to do, You can be happy too.  Be o.k. Just turn and Walk Away!......He got several awards, is a great LaCross player and foot ball player. Off to the U in the fall, and after Christmas an LDS mission.  Back packed through Europe with his father and spent two weeks in the Phillipines volunteering with kids.  The following picture;

Monday, June 4, 2012


I know some people don't do Mondays, but personally I like them.....I don't do weekends, they are the longest and loneliest when you are alone.  Went in to the doctors today to see why my arm aches so bad and has for so long.  Two different doctors suggested physical therapy to strengthen the muscles, sooooo I guess I begin therapy for a few weeks Thursday. One thing after another in old age, but yes, I'm a Senior Citizen.......and we are constantly blamed for all that is wrong in the world and yes, we are responsible for some of it and we accept the blame ....BUT it was not the seniors who took: The melody out of music.  The pride out of appearance.  The courtesy out of driving.  The romance out of love.  The responsibility out of parenthood.  The commitment out of marriage. The togetherness out of family.  The learning out of education.  The service out of patriotism.  The Nativity scenes out of cities.  The civility out of behavior.  The refinement out of language.  The dedication out of employment.  The ambition out of achievement and God out of government and school.  Yes, I am a senior citizen....I am the life of the party.....even if it lasts until 8:oo.  Tomorrow my fifth grandchild, Richard Benjamine graduates from High School!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


GOOD SUNDAY MORNING.........well, really every morning you wake up and can get out of bed at my age is.....A GOOD MORNING!  Suppose to be 93 degrees today, my kind of weather.  I am sitting on my back porch, with my computer and coffee, listening to my water fountain and watching two little humming birds fight over the feeder......they don't seem to mind me sitting here at the table.  Scottie spent the night with me and we went swimming, today I ache all over, guess I am not in very good shape.  Karrie just picked him up and they were off to church as he had to talk in primary today.  We sealed a pack we wouldn't tell her all he had for breakfast was an ice cream bar!  Aren't grandmas fun?  I am glad I still have a couple of younger grandchildren that hang out with me. The older they get the less you see or hear from them, but I do have fun memories of days gone by with all of them. Thanks to some of the older ones that have "educated" me on the ways of texting, following them on face book, emails or blogs, I still kinda know what they are doing in their lives.   Well, as I sit here enjoying my own private......CAMELOT......I am so filled with gratitude for the great life I have had and am having.......and trying to decide if I have enough energy to call Shirley and find a good movie to complete a wonderful day in Zion.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


 I am completely pooped today, not use to this busy social life every day this week.  Monday a fun day and bar-b-q in Midway with the cooks.  Tuesday my sweet niece and her daughter took Lucille and I to lunch for or 80th birthday  Wednesday was bridge day with lunch. Thursday, Patty, Ruth and I met for coffee and our monthly therapy session.Friday took my turn for lunch here and Mexican Train.  Now I probably won't do anything fun for a week or two.  As I am determined to make my blog an archives, history and just a fun thing to hand down after I am gone I add my sister Leslie's only daughter and her family to my pictures.  My kids and even their kids know these relatives, but then the next generation, may wonder who they were and what they looked like some day.  I love these pictures.  Kristi and Philipe  on the left and the family of Kylie, Kooper, Kelly and Anna on the right.
Today the news is all over the the 60-year reign of Queen Elizabeth in England......