Wednesday, January 1, 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020......

Well.....2020 is upon us......and it seems to be the same old...same old stuff on TV.  people shooting up churches.....Iran flaring up...Trump being blamed for everything from your flat tire to your constipation.....BUT, I look forward to this many things I still want to do in this life....and so little time left.  It takes me longer to do everything now days.....and I love just hanging out at home or coffee with Patty....lunch with Pam or Shirley and fun phone calls from Sherrie and Leslie....Wonderful neighbors are a bonus.
Last night.....New Years Eve.....the Christensons surprised us with a sleep-over.   It was snowy and cold and got late and they didn't want the snowmobile ride in the dark to the cabin.    We drank bubbly and ate up a lot of snacks and played Mexican Train till the ball dropped in New  surprise.  Today I made out bills.....did laundry and now almost Dr. Phil time.  Snowed quite a bit last night....but melting off Happy New Year.....

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