Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Did you ever wish you had a little help here and there......now and then....and yet know you can do it all yourself......if you just got in gear?  If you depend on others for everything.....then you become incapable of taking care of yourself and you dread the day that happens......
Sherrie came in today to have cancer cut out of her cheek......she didn't think I needed to go with her....BUT that is what mothers do.....Darren had to take his father up to the University Hospital to be checked for colon cancer and maybe stomach cancer....we are very worried about BUD......Sherrie's was caught early and does not seem to be a big problem......thank goodness.   We left Ken here to tend the two dogs and take Libby to lunch....they are good friends.....Every day tell your family and friends you love them.....Kobe Bryant....for instance......Leslie just called and that always makes my day.......sisters are the MOST.......love ya Les.

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