Friday, January 3, 2020


Have you ever felt like this????  I slept till 9:00....because I could.  The kids are at the cabin for the weekend....some kind of retreat for libby's school class.  It is cold outside and I cannot think of one thing I need to go buy,,,,Sherrie filled my fridge full of I am set.  I did work on taking down the Christmas decorations....but they are all in the hall....soooo tomorrow try and find a place in the garage for them for another year!  I do a few things and then REST......and this goes on all day.  Why does getting old do this to you?  No energy....arthritis in very joint..... high blood pressure....dry eyes.....bad cannot get up or down very easy....why does none of this show?   So the kids and friends look at you and you look the same....if they only knew what was happening.....UNSEEN!
I am accepting it as best I can....after all these poor legs, knees and feet have served me well these all most 88 years.  In my youth I danced a million miles...later as I traveled the world I walked a million miles....soooo nothing lasts forever....and the MEMORIES I have are wonderful.....
Leslie called and Kevin's back operation went well...she was in Flagstaff.

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