Sunday, January 26, 2020


It would be easy now days to let the world change our smiles and happy feelings in life.......BUT we have to be strong and let our smiles change the world.....I love to smile at someone in the grocery store or gas station.....for no reason.....or at a small child to see if they will smile back......I do not know what problems they are struggling is not easy for any of us....BUT a smile.....maybe a hug.....I love hugs or a compliment can do wonders for a person's day.....I am old.....slow.....and not as much fun as I use to be....but I still  need smiles, hugs and compliments to keep me going.  My cute 40 year old neighbor Honh.....who is Vietamanese is always there with "i LOVE YOU"....she needs me.....I need her.....YES....these are just words....but they are some of the words that help us keep going.....My neighbors are the greatest for this.....You ok.....need any thing.... etc.  I am truley blessed with where I am and who I have around me and I hope I can worthy of it!!!! 

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