Thursday, January 16, 2020


Yes...My body is well aware of how old I am with 88 breathing down my neck....I can hardly get out of bed in the morning.....or get up from a chair when I sit too long? It has a way of reminding me often..... my mind I am still middle age wanting to shop, party, dress up and live it up.....but the two are not working it out very well.  I dye my hair and the wrinkles have not completely taken over....yes to glasses and part time hearing not completely over the hill...I love stores that have baskets to push and lean on and YES....I still am a good driver....These cold winter months keep me in some.....quite a bit....hate the cold and am afraid of falling and breaking a bone at this age.  I thank God every day for the gift of one more day to enjoy my good life....I realize we have no waranties on our parts and as we age they wear out....but I will take every day God gives me and take two tylanol and be happy to be mother only had 58 years and dad 75 years.

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