Monday, January 6, 2020


So a new year is upon me....2020 and I am sure it is not goingTh to improve my mirror image????
I did lose 20 lbs last my face and boobs.....but hey, that is better than nothing.  My sweet sister gave me a Chirsttmas shirt that was a Medium.....well I dreaded trying it on....BUT it fits and I have it on today.....why am I still buying XLRG in everything?  I guess just to be sure...maybe I need to buy a scales?
Week shaping up to be busy.....tomorrow coffee at Patty's and Wednesday Shirley called and said ...."Let's do a movie and lunch".....Then Thursday it is suppose to snow again....our snows have melted by no concern......And rapidly we move thru January 2020 and closer to my 88th birthday....Yea!  How can getting old be so good......HAVING GREAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS.....THAT IS HOW!

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