Monday, January 13, 2020


I have this little routine......up....eventually.....every and toast and an hour of playing games on my I pad.......then face the day!!!
I have to admit I feel a little guilty wasting that time..until I read......Mayo Clinic researchers say you'l cut your chances of memory losses by 42% !!!!!!  They say that fun screen time encourages the body to release an energizing brain chemical called acetylcholine.....
Also....British rsearchers found that socializing for just 10 minutes a day...whether you meet up or just phone a friend or sister......cuts your risk of age-related memory loss in half and boosts your focus by 50%.....that is bcause sharing conversations act as a workout for your mind's memory and language centers...... and helps grow healthy new brain cells.s..WOW....I'll be phoning my sister every day?????  I just love learning all this good STUFF!

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