Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Just thinking.....who do you go to when you need love and support......your blood family!
This is my only brother....Jim and the only sister I have left.....Leslie.  Who comforts me the most in my old age.....people of my same first family.....they have known me all their lives and we come from the same family can tell them anything and you can cry......or swear.....or be happy and they love you all the same.....How lucky I am.....they don't judge nor do I.....just love them because.........I am their family.....Yes.....I love my three daughters and the grandchildren.....but do they really know me or where I come from....NO!  To them I am Mom or grandma.....and they entered a later chapter in my life.....I love you Jim and Les and thank you for always being there for me........

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