Monday, January 20, 2020


Such a good message......I know in my travels around the world......I have thought many times about the people I have trusted my life with???  But  did I ever stop and think about God really being in charge of my life...NO......But now I realize all this time I had nothing to worry about.....
Big holiday around the country today....Libby did not have mail and the banks are closed......I did go get my nails done this afternoon and Patty came over for coffee this morning.  We had a lot of catching up to do and she is always good for a few laughs....which I always need,  Tomorrow is Mexican Train Day and Wednesday bridge and then we see another week slip by and the month rushing with it.....suppose to be bad weather starting on Wednesday.  The Christensons are in Hawaii....and haven't heard from the other two families......thankgoodness for neighbors....

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