Monday, January 20, 2020


We have all lost love ones.....either by death....divorce or those who choose not to be in your life any more.......
You hurt and feel bad....and endure...Grief is not a task to finish and just move never move on from lossing your Mom and Dad...and then two sweet little sisters.....not to mention a mate of 30 years and then a daughter who just dropped out of your life......You can ask yourself "why" a dozen times......and never come up with an answer.  I guess it is just part of  life.....and we go on because we have others who need us.....You can get angry....cry....scream and yell....and sometimes this is part of handling grief.....but it does not change the hurt of loss.  Some people just push it deep inside and try to find someone to blame......and hate life.....The dead would not wish this upon you.....and the living could care less how you feel.  So.....suck it up 'CUPCAKE" and know your not alone in your hurt.

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