Saturday, January 11, 2020

BE NICE......

If someone calls you ugly.....Response.....Excuse me ...I am not a mirror!
Don't you hate it when a guest asks if you have a bathroom......."NO.... we pee in the yard?"
Finally found out what is wrong with my brain.....On the left side...there is nothing right and on the right side there is nothing left.....
It is a cold and snowy Saturday......was going to a movie but did a few chores instead and headed home in the snow for a nap.   Libby and Brayden are entertaining their Korean family friends who will spend a couple of nites with us...their friends from Texas.
It is one of those days when you feel you should clean the house....but you lay down and take a nap until that feeling passes.  Got my hair colored and cut yesterday....feels much better.

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