Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 LEAP YEAR.....

And I second the motion above!!!
Weekend flew by....was clear but cold......Went to  church....took a nap....not crazy about this 9:00 church....but once I am there....I enjoy......then Sher and Ken popped in about visit and dinner done by Libby.  Everyone very tired so to bed early.....Libby and Bray off very early....the rest not so much......Sher had a dermatalogist  (early) Ken helped me finish taking down the Christmas decorations.....tree....front yard stuff and odds and ends......House sure looks bare.....but back to normal..
Brayden installed my new door bell where I see who is there and can talk to them........As we worked on it.....I discovered my two neighbors visiting on their front porch and commented on it.....they laughed and said they could hear every thing I was saying....GUESS I better learn where the OFF button is?????  I love it....I can look at my phone and if they interrupt my Dr Phil hour.....I can just tell them to come back at five!!!

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