Thursday, January 9, 2020


I alway kinda thought this is what I would look like when I got old.......and I do sorta!  So I guess I am old?.....
I read where laughing has many healthy find fun friends to laugh with and  laugh at yourself......a lot! One......laughing eases aches ad pains.  A recent UCLA study found that after reading cartoons or watching funny shows, sick people's pain tolerance dramatically increased....cutting aches by 50% for several hours.  Researchers explain that laughter prods the brain to produce painkilling opiates.....TWO.......Boosts energy!  Well.....this I hope is true......"Laughter eases tension and fatigue by significantly reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol".......Laughng also boosts energy levels by 75%......THREE....Aids weight loss! Laughing uses  up to 20% more energy.....This means that 10 to 15 minutes of laughter a day could burn off up to 40 extra calories each time.....I have to get on this laughter routine????  I do prefer funny movies to sad ones....
Did a few chores...but no energy......

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